[hider=Charlotte Hawthorne][color=silver] [center][h1][color=#4CAF50]Charlotte Sparrow / Peacemaker[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/37/93/ed/3793ede147446b8b7eecda62e7613cad.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Full Name} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Charlotte Jean Sparrow[/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Age} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]25[/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Species} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Human[/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Gender} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [hr] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Appearance} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Charlotte stands at 5’8, weighing around 130 pounds. She has dark blue eyes and a friendly smile. She has mid-length brown hair with caramel/blonde highlights, which is normally kept up in a braid. Having seemingly discovered the fountain of youth, she appears younger than her age. She dresses casually, not bothering to dress up or caring much for makeup either. She wears hair-ties on her wrists and a locket around her neck. Often, she dons ripped jeans, tees and tank tops along with a leather jacket. She is normally found wearing sneakers. For special occasions, she will dress up, rather begrudgingly. [/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Equipment and Personal Belongings} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Her purse, containing her cell phone, hair-ties, bobby pins, and also some candy. She also carries pepper spray and a pocket knife.[/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Physical Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Charlotte is a fast runner, though she despises doing it. Her reflexes are average, and her strength is slightly above average. She can climb well and also hike. Charlotte is trained in martial arts and is a black belt. Since James was in the police force, he also taught her self-defense and combat but she isn’t a professional at it. She is also well-versed in the medical world and cooking. She practices yoga and pilates as well, finding it helps her cope with her chronic pain. She can also shoot and has decent accuracy. [/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Superpowers} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Telekinesis | Healing | Telepathy.[/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Limitations} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][b]Healing[/b]: It is Charlotte’s most used and controlled ability. She is still a beginner on it, however she is able to heal minor cuts and injuries. It weakens her to heal broken bones, but on the occasion of it being serious, she has been able too. Afterwards, she will normally need to lie down and recharge for a few days. She will feel lethargic and fatigued. She can also close minor bleeding wounds, but isn’t capable of fully fixing it. Healing for long periods can take its toll on her and cause her headaches and fatigue. It causes a bright light over the spot she’s healing as well. [b]Telekinesis:[/b]This is her favorite and requires great concentration. She is able to bring small items to her. The bigger and heavier they are, the less she is able to control them. She can control the speed of which they come, but only for minimal periods.She can use it to help grab items out of her reach and also across the room. She is working on being able to lift light objects and control their momentum/speeds and close large distance gaps. It causes her nose to bleed and also throbbing headaches. [b]Telepathy[/b]: This is her weakest ability. It has only started manifesting, so she can't control it or help it. She can hear phrases of people around her but can't concentrate on them. She can feel an emotion too. Very weak, and uncontrolled. [/indent] [hr] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Personality} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Prior to James’ death, Charlotte was gentle, kind and sweet. She would willingly go out of her way for others. However, if you cross her negatively, Charlotte will drop everything and walk off. She is feisty and ready to hold her own if necessary. Her bravery and nerve are over the top, and she isn’t afraid to stand up for injustice or bullying. She will fight tooth and nail for it. Her softer side is reserved for her loved ones, particularly Marcus. With a clever mind, she has witty comebacks and a sharp tongue. She will try reigning it in though, around unfamiliar people. Sometimes nicknamed the ‘Energizer Bunny’, Charlotte seems to have an abundance of nonstop energy. She rarely sits still and finds it difficult to manage with her chronic pain. Her determination and work ethic are immense: to her, the sky’s the limit. Her ambition is her passion. Charlotte radiates a pleasant vibe however, and has a sweet smile to match it. She enjoys being out and having fun. When she’s alone however, the walls come down and she’s depressed all over again about her brother.[/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Place of Origin} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Keystone, born and raised. [/indent] [color=#4CAF50][b]|[u] {Background} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Charlotte's life was relatively ordinary. She was born to Theresa and William Hawthorn and twin to James. The siblings were inseparable. Growing up, Charlotte was high energy and put her mind to anything. If she could climb a wall, she would have tried. She was active in softball, equestrian, martial arts and tennis while on the other hand, James was into reading and technology. She developed a passion for helping and saving people. She dreamed of becoming a nurse since childhood, while James dreamed of becoming a police officer. When Charlotte turned 18, her life changed dramatically. After being in a car accident from a drunk driver and breaking several bones, she was forced to end her athletics. She had broken her femur, shoulder, sprained her back and also broken a few fingers and toes. James supported her throughout the process and was there for her as much as possible. She had spiraled into a depression, since she didn't think she could become a nurse anymore. During this time, she felt a loss of control over her life and thus, developed anorexia. Going away to college was no longer feasible; she was too reliant on help for mothers during her recovery. This upset her greatly, since James went away to college to become a cop. She was in therapy for months to help control her depression and anorexia. Finally, after struggling for years, Charlotte finally made it into college. When it seemed like her life was coming together, it unraveled again fast. She developed nerve pain throughout her body, sometimes debilitating her and causing her to become bedridden. This forced her back out of college. Her family sought answers and saw many specialists; though nobody could make ‘go away’ as Charlotte hoped. She was given pain medication to help control it and physical therapy to strengthen her body. She was forced to give up her recreational activities while she healed. Furious with her life and eager to help others, Charlotte’s passion for nursing only grew. She hated to see others suffer the same way she was and wanted to help as many people possible. To make matters worse, James was eventually stationed in Kansas City, away from her. After physical therapy ended, she finally managed to attend college. Slightly older than the rest of her peers, she kept to herself and became antisocial and a loner. It was a vast difference from her usual self. When she graduated, she was able to reconnect with James and his partner, Marcus during her free-time. The trio bonded. Sadly, their time came to an end when James was abruptly murdered. Devastated and grief-stricken, she sought Marcus’ company. The two grew even closer and shared a kiss together after getting plastered together. They awkwardly kept their space from one another. Months went by - lonely, dark months. She buried her grief in her work. During a gruesome 12 hour shift, she was working in the emergency room when her life changed yet again. A kid was brought in after being in a horrific accident, causing him to break his back and arm. Charlotte had sedated the child in order to treat him and was alone in the room to watch his response to the medication. She had taken his hand comfortingly when a strange light appeared over her hand. Before she could let go and figure it out, the arm was healed. She was stunned and left quickly. After a while, Charlotte tried it on another patient two weeks later and found the same result. Delighted with her ability to help save others, Charlotte began helping patients out when nobody was around. She found herself healing minor injuries, such as sprains and also bruises. With worry she might be caught, Charlotte began randomizing her visits to patients and sneaking into other rooms as well and disappearing before being seen. Additionally, she learned of her telekinetic ability at home on accident - and practices it as well. Now, with her newfound ability, and a thirst for justice, Charlotte works as much as possible to help save the vulnerable. She has begun to study law as well, to help become a nurse-lawyer and bring justice to criminals. A day doesn’t go by that she doesn’t think of James and feel resentful towards her ability. Right now though, she focuses on saving and helping others. The grief will have to wait. [/indent][/color][/hider]