Bradford turned to the young woman who had approached him. Miss Matilda Farr he had first met three years prior, a friend of his Sister-in law Mrs Eleanor Bradford. She had been a welcomed figure at the town house his Brother had rented for the season. Arthur enjoyed her company which was a nice change from the various events William and Eleanor usually try to coax him to. At the disappointment of William and Eleanor, he did not wish to be considered as a potential suitor and felt comfortable remaining as an acquaintance for the summer. For Arthur knew his place in society and highly doubt her parents would approve his his financial standing. He may have the privilege to be the son of Charles Bradford, a wealthy landowner in the South East, but it was his Older Brother William that inherited the estate and the majority of his wealth. Charles’ younger two sons Arthur and Christopher inherited a meagre sum which was used to buy their commissions into the Army. "You look very busy trying to avoid everyone.." [b]“No not at all Miss Farr. It is everyone else I believe who are avoiding me. Other than yourself of course,”[/b] Bradford replied. Which wasn’t entirely truthful. The major had already made a mental note to avoid the excitable Mrs Hollyworth, and his surely serious demeanour didn’t exactly invite others to introduce themselves. The truth is, as Arthur watched the Ladies and Gentlemen dance, gossip and drink the night away, it felt a world away from daily life on the Peninsular. Barely four weeks prior he watched his young Lieutenant sob for his Mother as he bleed to death, and now here he is back in England living in luxury. [b]“So Miss Farr, how has the past few years treated you?”[/b] Bradford asked.