[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200302/b4039a83736692c1c1d54af64a4a57e9.png[/img][/center] [color=#81613c]"Don't let Trin hear you say something isn't working, she'll spend the rest of the day fixing everything that looks funny. If however you were talking about hitting things; I'm totally down."[/color] Tyrion stated as he offered Wendy his best smirk. His eyes taking in her attire, [Color=#81613c]"Were we supposed to suit up for this? Left mine at Trin's."[/color] His blue eyes reluctantly peeled away from the beauty he shared the room with. Turning his attention to the rest of the room he took in the decor. [Color=#81613c]"I didn't think to bring a snack."[/color] Ty offered with a chuckle, [color=#81613c]"How many more are coming?"[/color]