[@DeadDrop] Aight here we go. Looking forwards to the Mars party. [hider=Rachel Fuchs] [CENTER][SUB][COLOR=2E8B57][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200418/a93b99dadf276ff548c24747fe74ab0e.png[/img] [color=006400][url=https://youtu.be/ZUxL8_fIUYE]Theme Music yo[/url][/color] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/DmXpGg-RJOBSjdD-R3y-238h94LO89tRgSvfQH9iq2ADVahyGksSdtBKhj-IrtgBdtYd2zBDEGkMEgPuZMgEC-vhgacNHwLvyLX-nNGxGM1b3fmYZDBsXSz9lvuVtLK080pwJxRVug=w1200-h800[/img] [color=2E8B57]◄ [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200418/6af494661e3a8588c810c34621980c9a.png[/img] ▎ [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200418/9f557a2ddec568f6ef21269fc7ae4d28.png[/img] ▎ [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200418/6f1e50802dee35db9da7f937b3efb522.png[/img] ►[/color][/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER] [SUB][COLOR=2E8B57][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200418/4991f94527c483a026ee419492708241.png[/img][/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] These days Rachel Fuchs considers herself to be a little bit of a realist. After all life in New Brazil is generally pretty shitty, so why shouldn’t she be generally pretty shitty too, right? [i]‘Morals’[/i] and [i]‘Ethics’[/i] are really little more than corporate branding out here and she isn’t stupid enough to fall for those anymore. Maybe when she was younger… but experience is a [i]real[/i] fuckin bitch of a teacher and after a really great lesson she got the point. Plus following the rules is for those without the kind of money that she comes from… [i]so fuck it right?[/i] Oh, did I not mention her shitty father is one of the top executives for the Cartelli Corporation? No? Is that important? Rachel actually has pretty good social skills, she just doesn’t really care to use them too often. You gotta be somebody she actually likes, or wants to like. Which most days is a pretty exclusive list really. She usually gives across a somewhat moody, stoic or just uninterested impression. What’s that old expression, [i]‘resting bitch face’?[/i] Yeah that’s the one. In other words she can be pretty nice if you catch her on a good day or have something she wants, but is otherwise generally gonna be a bitch. Go figure. Of course that’s when she’s sober, which something worth avoiding most of the time. Why waste time not buzzed when you could be buzzed right? When she’s high she’s much friendlier, happier and outgoing - shockingly it’s probably something to do with the intoxicants coursing through her system whether it’s drink, drugs or… whatever luxury she’s indulging in at the moment. Of course maybe she has a reason to want to avoid being sober, and maybe that’s the same reason why she acts like such a bitch all the time? Then again maybe she’s just another stuck up corporate party brat with access to more credits than she has brain cells. [i]Why not both?[/i] They’re not, like, mutually exclusive anyway.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=2E8B57][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200418/64ad7279a0fdf16107b4b38d52aa4db2.png[/img][/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Born amongst New Brazil’s elite and wealthy, early life was more than fairly comfortable and easy. Rachel wanted for nothing and was highly educated at the best corporate Academy, she was expected to achieve great things alongside her siblings as she enjoyed a level of luxury most on Mars never would. Of course her parents weren’t ever really around. Well, her mother died when she was a baby, so she was around to start with but then not so much. Her father was busy. Like, very very busy, all of the time. But the housekeeping staff were very nice anyway. Things first started to change when she started [i]‘acting out’[/i] and [i]‘protesting’[/i] against the corporations and many dystopian standards huge swarths of the population had to endure. Her father tolerated it for a time, a young girl rebelling and finding her feet in the world, a phase that wouldn’t last he thought. However as she got older her rebellious activities only increased in scope and she was soon picked up several times by the New Brazil security forces and it began to become more than just a headache for the man. It was starting to effect one of the most important things to him, [i]his reputation[/i]. Using all the finesse of a soulless corporate executive he put a stop to it and taught his daughter a lasting life lesson at the same time the one way he knew how. Her best friend, Sanya Walsh, throughout their Academy education had also shared in her passion for rebellion and often was caught alongside Rachel - the pair were as thick as thieves and maybe even a little more than just best friends. She too came from a family within the Cartelli Corp, albeit one much lower down the financial ‘foodchain’. They’d been more like an actual family to Rachel than her actual family had ever been. It took practically no effort at all for her father to arrange for the Walshes to all be marked officially as dissenters and suffer the rather brutal consequences of such. He ensured that she understood that it was her, who had caused this to happen through her actions. [i]Boy the bounty hunters association acts fast right?[/i] Rachel continued life with a new-found numbness and lack of purpose as she struggled to overcome what had happened. She instead began to associate with her peers who shared in her new-found lack of direction and began to live an ironically much more ‘acceptable’ lifestyle, one that just so happened to involve getting real fucked up most days. Eventually she settled into a routine of sorts and seemingly forgot what had happened as she threw herself into her new little ‘gang’ and started rubbing boots with the wealthy hedonists of New Brazil. There were lots of em. That was three years ago. Since then she’s occupied herself with little more than partying and living life and she’s found herself with more than a few connections and found herself becoming a bit of an intermediary when it comes to sourcing the reeeaal good shit. Hell, she didn’t need the substantial cash flow that was now coming her way, but found that she just kept on taking it.[i] Who needed life outside of New Brazil anyway?[/i] Of course the lifestyle she now walked has had its pit-falls too. She’s been shot at twice, threatened at knife point and been robbed more than just a few times. But it’s all part of the rush as far as she’s concerned. Oh, so was managing to smash up and nearly kill herself in a wreck driving under the influence about seven months ago. [i]Boy that was a fun night.[/i] Fortunately the Fuchs could afford the very best in medical care and hush money, after several surgeries and one shiny biomechanical arm later she was back at it good as new and raring to go. She had in fact just been on her way to dropping off a satchel filled with all manner of goodies, just outside of Tarkari square, when all fucking hell had broken loose and everything had changed. Explosions are usually pretty confusing, or so she’d always assumed. [/color] [SUB][COLOR=2E8B57][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200418/9f47ab634072820ff62b50848731012f.png[/img][/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] [color=2E8B57] Gregious Fuchs [/color] - Papa Fuchs in all his glory. It’s not like he’d ever really spent too much one on one time with his daughter in the first place, but that didn’t stop her craving his love. Not so much anymore though. [color=2E8B57]Andria Fuchs[/color] - Mama Fuchs. Unfortunately she’s dead and has been for over twenty years. Probably still the second best family relationship she has. [color=2E8B57]Alfred Fuchs [/color]- Eldest son and protégé of the Fuchs dynasty. Up to his balls in corporate bullshit. Rachel could probably count the number of conversations she’s ever had with him on her fingers and still have a hand spare to gesture rudely at him. [color=2E8B57]Sara Monfort-Fuchs[/color] - Elder sister and corporate socialite extraordinaire. She married into another wealthy corporate family and started pumping out brats years ago. [color=2E8B57]Niklas Fuchs[/color] - Youngest Fuchs son and older brother to Rachel. The only Fuchs she’s ever really gotten on with. He too has experienced the ire of their father and so now enjoys a meaningless corporate title and pay check whilst maintaining all appearances of being ‘well behaved’. [color=2E8B57]Sanya Walsh[/color] - Childhood best friend and sweetheart. Marked as a dissenter along with her family. Arrested and processed about three years ago - assumed dead or at the least very, very fucked up. [color=2E8B57]’The Gang’[/color] – Rachel’s little group of miscreants. Okay well they’re not actually really that bad when you look at the big picture. Generally rich kids messing around with their money and having a good time. Drugs are about as far as they really dip their toes into the ‘criminal underbelly’ of New Brazil. Okay they might have some guns too, but who doesn’t? [/color] [SUB][COLOR=2E8B57][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200418/092c3158f99bd79ea1587e5d782a58ef.png[/img][/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] [color=2E8B57]Telekinesis[/color] - The power to manipulate objects and matter with one's mind. [color=2E8B57][i]Cool.[/i][/color] Initially Rachel’s abilities are severely limited and draining to use, requiring intense focus to achieve even the slightest of movements - and often not without some pretty shitty consequences. Her mind’s physical strength isn’t much at all either, hardly being able to lift something a child would have no problem with. The further away something is as well seems to severally limit her capacity to manipulate objects. Right now her ‘ability’ is more of a literal pain in the ass than anything else. Through continued use and pushing the limits however it seems these boundaries will lesson and her abilities will eventually improve to the point where she can replicate anything she could physically do without too much straining. Going beyond that again however still takes a hefty toll. We’re talking nose bleeds and followed by blood leaking from eyes, ears, mouth… possibly other places followed by unconsciousness and maybe worse. Not pretty. Beyond that though without experimentation the true finer details of what she could achieve remain hidden, after all physics is one confusing son of a bitch and being able to manipulate things with your brain powers isn’t exactly a normal thing. Maybe the ability to ‘shoot’ objects at people, or maybe even to stop bullets. [i]That’d be hella sweet. [/i] That being said she truly has no idea of what she is or isn’t capable of, at least not yet. Right now, pretty much everything about her ability is a weakness. Sure it’ll get better, but even then she remains as fleshy and fragile as ever. Maybe one day she will be able to stop bullets and shit like that, but only if she’s able to focus and concentrate whilst it’s happening - and even then, who knows how many objects she can effect at once. Guns tend to fire [i]lots[/i] of bullets, and sometimes not even bullets. What even is plasma anyway? She also has to be able to actually see what she’s moving. It’d be pretty sick to be able to move things she couldn’t see, but so far that just hasn’t happened and probably wont. I don't know. [/color] [img] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/qGZvcWpSOO4NCilUOPl8el6byloj1JkZElxwtB4F-q0ne6LusI-rb1rCbN4ZlvbwFxz7qpEfwgTOVPB5NceWidxCGVg6Mluh-JZ8BrRit2fH2hhwSCiYlQi8nxXX_QYc653qMIRncA=w1200-h600[/img] [/hider]