[b]"I can't complain."[/b] The past three years had passed by with relative ease. It was the same old routine, and it had been since she was a girl of thirteen. Nothing ever changed. Except for her sister moving out of the family home, and her Mother's moods. Now they were alarmingly changable. Everything else seemed to just blunder along as it always had. [b]"How are you?"[/b] Momentarily, Tilly's blue eyes flicked to Arthur. The last she'd seen of him, she vaguely remembered that he was about to be deployed. Details were foggy. But most memories of that Summer were rather fooggy. Three years felt like a lifetime when you were rather stuck in a rut. Like a hen that hadn't seen the outside of the barn. But what did she know? All her role in society was to wed. And then of course came the expectation to produce heirs for whatever family it was that she got married off into. Wasn't exactly an exhilarating thought. Matilda prefered horses to children. Major Bradford seemed rather sour in mood, but she didn't dwell on it. "Well, Major. I should probably leave you in peace.." Meanwhile, Mrs Hollyworth had become all too much for Henry, and he had tracked down his Sister as an alternative entertainment source. "Ah, Tilly!" He interjected, a polite nod to Major Bradford as he stepped closer. The bemused expression on Henry's features spoke volumes, and the elder sibling couldn't resist a small laugh. He simply rolled his eyes and shook his head. There was no need for words. "Tilly, I must steal you for this dance. Tis the only one I can endure. Will you forgive me, Major Bradford?" Henry was a likable chap. A hardworker. Down to earth and strong willed. A trait that all three siblings shared. "I shall bring her back.. Or if you should prefer, keep her away." He offered a mischievous grin as he held out his arm for his sister. Matilda shook her head in feigned exasperation as she looked at Arthur, "The cake is very good if you're at a loose end... Just avoid the plum jam." Henry cringed, "Yes, do avoid it Major. Mother can't cook."