[center][h3]Name[/h3] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT_qfnxRtm51MYqwuIQIvWfe_zUK9GlyPQhNMjlil_ShW1lu72y&usqp=CAU[/img] [hider=Guns][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQzOYNpIq5uSr-yT4vbG5VTuRg1iJg7AOHnYxEI7TF29xLPysg7&usqp=CAU[/img][/hider] [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Gender [/b] Female [b]Birthday[/b] 11/7[/center] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200413/69198f2586b4b5a9a8720f43e4359f55.png[/img] [b]Physical Description :[/b] [color=gray]G[/color] [b]Personality Description :[/b] [color=gray]Explain the behavioral mannerisms of the student. You can also list tropes that they fill?[/color] [b]Bio Description :[/b] [color=gray]Who is this student, where did they come from?[/color] [b]Talents :[/b] [color=gray]What are they good at? Things they've learned in their new life and also things they've inherited from the past.[/color] [b]Academic Affinity :[/b] [color=gray]Which subject are they strongest at? Can be one not listed below.[/color] [b]Extra :[/b] [color=gray]Extra stuff.[/color] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200413/44ddc31f4b9694e9d3567970a244f393.png[/img] [b]Physical Description :[/b] [color=gray]What did this hero used to look like?[/color] [b]Bio Description :[/b] [color=gray]Be as extensive or brief as you like. Tell us about their past life.[/color] [b]Legends :[/b] [color=gray]Any legends or stories about your character prior to being reincarnated.[/color] [b]Combat Affinities :[/b] [color=gray]Archery, Marksmanship, Shurikenjutsu[/color] [b]Magic Affinities :[/b] [color=gray]Ice Magic, Fire Magic[/color] [b]Extra :[/b] [color=gray]What was the OP to their Anime?[/color] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200413/f197c2e300b595449c1b70d9272b60d1.png[/img] [i]Name of Gem :[/i] [color=gray]A fractal of your past life that you carried with you. Holds your status points for combat in the future.[/color] [color=7FFFD4]Stamina :[/color] [color=gray]How sturdy is your body?[/color] [color=FFA07A]Strength :[/color] [color=gray]How macho are you?[/color] [color=F0E68C]Dexterity :[/color] [color=gray]How nimble is your body?[/color] [color=00BFFF]Intellect :[/color] [color=gray]How wise are you?[/color] [color=9370D8]Faith :[/color] [color=gray]How faithful are you to God, or the previous gods of your old world?[/color] [hr]