[center][h2]Ferdinand Gasol - Airforce[/h2][/center] The command bunker had grown increasingly more tense and more professional as the aircraft dispatched for the airstrike grew closer to their target. To be specific the 1st Strike Wing, being comprised of old British Harrier jump jets inherited after the cold war. “We’re entering AO now, commencing combat patrol.” came over the comms. A large screen depicted the radar image of the aircraft, several of the comms operators were smoking giving an acrid cloud to the otherwise cool interior of the bunker. “There they are! I can see camouflage tarpaulins covering creates or something and there are six trucks parked in a pool. Permission to engage?” “Any civilian structures present?” “Yes there are bunkhouses and a large villa General.” “Commence strafing run on the vehicles, mission kill them before they can exit the AO.” “Copy that General.” The sound of engines re-vectoring came over the open radio. Then the unmistakable buzz of auto cannon fire from harriers. “Vehicles are trying to flee the area, there are technicals and trucks.” “Strafe them, but watch for collateral damage on the buildings.” “Copy that” Then more buzzing and the sound of engines. “How does it look now, are there any civilians?” “No General, i can only see a few, they must all be taking cover in the bunkhouses” “Good, i want you to hit those tarpaulins with the missiles. Over.” “Copy that, im coming around again.” “At your leisure” “Fox 1 away, Fox 2 away. Target destroyed.” “Good, return to base.” “Is the leaflet unit in position?” “Yes general, we are in position.” “Commence leaflet drop, then return to base.” There, as clean a mission as any Ferdinand had ever completed. The leaflets were a nice touch, he had had them printed by the news paper “O Grito” before the mission was launched. He pulled out a copy he had and read the message. "Attention Smugglers - you are encircled by the Melizean Armed Forces. Drop your arms and surrender to the nearest army unit. Atleast Ferdinand would not have to go to sleep tonight worrying about civilians caught in the crossfire. He could sleep with a clean conscience. [hider=Actions] Order 1st Strike Wing to Air Strike the most south eastern province (ONLY LAND PROVINCE MARKED ERADICATE). Target is Balruban Smugglers. Minimize collateral damage on civilians and use leaflet drop to break Balruban morale. [/hider]