[color=C1cdcd][right][h1][color=9698E3]Revel Belrose[/color][/h1][color=9698E3]With:[/color] Everyone, Charles Dujardin ([@Inkarnate]) [color=9698E3]Location:[/color] Training Ground || Within Wall Maria [/right][hr][hr][indent]The remainder of the instructor’s inquisition saw Revel remaining quiet in place, muscles relaxed but still at attention. Despite her rather composed visage, a small part of her was hoping Maurer wouldn’t loop back around through the formation and target her. She recognized that the instructor’s methods were [i]probably[/i] supposed to be some sort of toughening routine, but she felt she’d had enough of that back home. Regardless, when she heard the call for dismissal she released a quiet sigh and let her arms fall to her sides before giving her extremities a few quick stretches and wiping some small drops of sweat off her brow. She scanned the group of cadets who were all heading whichever way they pleased for whichever affairs they needed to attend to. They, understandably, seemed much more relaxed now that they weren’t within range of the instructor’s ire. As was she, as she left the spot she’d been standing and started to stroll towards what stood as a track. Her gaze floated over the rows of cabins that the cadets were expected to lodge in; she didn’t really fancy the idea of sharing a living area with multiple other people, but she supposed she didn’t really have a choice. Though in all honesty, she had no clue what it’d be like - she’d always been an only child, and sleep overs weren’t really her thing. Whether it ending up being a nuisance or not, something so trivial wasn’t going to stop from her accomplishing her goals. As she stepped aside to avoid another cadet, her eyes were drawn to the few individuals who weren’t moving from their places. Poor lads, they were; punished for something they didn’t even do. It wasn’t like it’d kill them, in fact it would likely be good for them, but she doubted they would be grateful to the one who’d earned them the run. It wasn’t really her place to worry, though, as she was about to make her own run- Revel paused as she witnessed someone shoulder-check a daydreaming cadet to the ground, painting his bottom with mud and dirt. Her eyes followed the perpetrator - a girl with long, blond hair who seemed rather unconcerned with the response she’d earn as she trotted away. She turned her head back to fallen cadet, looking more closely before realizing he was the one who’d caused the trouble in the formation moments before. [color=9698e3][i]Ah.[/i][/color] She thought with a hint of realization. She found herself wandering what exactly his deal was. Apparently he felt the need to sass the instructor in some way. Was he ignorant? A troublemaker, maybe? She noted his somewhat spruce appearance, despite his now-muddied rump, pegging him as maybe an upper-class individual. Yeah...probably some pampered momma’s boy. She felt ready to wince as she imagined what sort of things he’d be subjected to that he [i]definitely[/i] wouldn’t enjoy - were she correct about him, that was. Her brain did wonder a bit as to why he’d be joining the corps, but she felt at least a [i]little[/i] bad for him regardless, considering how poorly it’d started for him. Before she even realized it she saw her own hand stretched out in front of her, offering to help him up. At least he had already been in her path; she didn’t have to go out of her way. [color=9698e3]“Hey.”[/color] She said to call his attention, her voice sounding rather flat. Soon enough, he took her hand, her grip wrapping tightly around his own hand to pull him up. The second he was on his feet, Revel withdrew her hand. She flicked off some of the mud off her as he spoke. [color=15706b]“Thank you, miss. Guess I wasn’t paying attention.”[/color] Hm. Maybe she’d thought wrong. A coddled kid would probably be a bit more upset at the state of things not going his way. [i]He[/i] didn’t seem to be, based on his admittedly awkward smile, which Revel did not return, instead keeping her usual neutral expression. She released air through her nose at his comment. [color=9698e3]“Yeah, well, you probably should.”[/color] He was right that he couldn’t blame anyone. He’d brought it upon himself. Even if he hadn’t know he’d have his peers turned against him, speaking out in the manner he had was sure to accrue some form of disciplining. The manner in which it was dealt here was simply more indirect - yet arguably more impactful. She followed his gaze in the direction the girl went, but he didn’t seem keen on getting back at her. Revel was a little surprised to hear him stand by what he’d done. Even though he’d misfortuned others and himself, with seemingly no good done to show for it, he seemed either too stubborn or too self-righteous to care. Not that she thought that poorly of him - he seemed rather genuine based on how he spoke. The taller girl looked him up and down as he straightened his collar, offering his name. Charles Dujardin. She had a feeling the name would be commonplace amongst the cadets, whether he liked it or not. He’d already made some enemies, it seemed, and it didn’t look like he was all that keen on changing his behavior based on how he stood by it. She wondered if he would be able to make it through the training. She let out another, ever-so-slightly amused breath through her nose at what she thought was a rather dumb question. [color=9698e3]“No.”[/color] She responded bluntly as her feet began to carry her away from the conversation and back on her path towards the parade route. She hadn’t [i]really[/i] intended to talk to him much, he was just in the way, so she might as well have helped him up. [/indent][/color]