Strix kept her position off to the side of the street, knelt down with her rifle steadied as the skirmish continued. She dispatched another two of the smaller bots heading towards her, Mule, and Thrones, putting a hole through the torso of one and shooting out the leg of another. [B]"On your mark, Thrones."[/B] The droids were about to do something big, but hopefully their combined efforts could prevent that. Strix adjusted her position to get a clean line towards the caster droids, and her eyes lit up a bright orange. Though she doesn't use arts proper, she still had some ability with it which she used to enhance her eyesight. As Thrones finished counting down, the droids were lifted up and Strix had a clear shot at both of them. At this range, and with them being held immobile in the air, she shouldn't have any issue hitting them through the fray. She fired two successive shots at the first one, once to the torso and once to the head. Her eyes gleamed again, and she felt a twinge of pain in her thigh as she quickly switched targets. [I]Even this, here...[/I] Though useful, her ability carried with it an embarrassing reminder of her failure. She cleared her thoughts and fired again at the second droid in the same pattern as the first, once in the torso and once in the head. Strix blinked as her vision returned to normal, and her attention was brought back to the encroaching droids. She fired at one of the exposed heads of an armored droid as she took a few step backs to stay at a safe distance. [B]"Mule, are you alright? Thrones, what can you do about these armored droids?"[/B]