James finally chose to walk to the house. He had examined the cavalcade of people who were entering the house. He had met a lot of people in Wake Springs, at college and in his work, but rarely he had seen such a big man as one of the men. James pondered, if he was a boxer. [i]Perhaps I should write about a boxer. A boxer who fights crime at night with a mask and a disguise[/i], he thought. [i]Vigilante, an antihero, an avenger in the night, ready to defend the weak and innocent, perhaps with an animal motif.[/i] He knew he had awkwardly waited in the street, but he rarely just waltzed into things. He often examined things before going into action, and apparently, the group just had had a short moment of tension. James looked around quickly and walked to the door just behind the group of people. "Hey, wait for me!" he said on the way. He had always been introverted, and never had been extremely easy speaker. He added "I was sent a letter by Jeremy's house sitter, too."