[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#556B2F]Luna Braddock - Glimpse[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9d19a364330e9231c49895abeeed05a6/tumblr_mxgemyadgp1rrc2t7o2_250.gif[/img][hr] [color=#556B2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mutant Underground HQ -- First Floor: Training Room -- Washington D.C. [color=#556B2F][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Luna watched Cayden walk into the room and head over to Veil, going on about some barmy talk of Magneto’s Palace and Casper having been there. Luna didn’t quite trust Casper, he seemed too much of a loose cannon but of course Luna couldn’t say much. Her opinions were scrutinized enough as it was. She crossed her arms and waited out Cayden appealing to Veil’s gentle side before Veil informed them that they had gotten word of a mission involving the Hellfire Club. Before she could ask the specifics, Cayden requested a high five. Luna hesitated a moment but gave into the boy’s request. Cayden was a good kid, he was a good balance for the Underground she thought. As she watched him go to find Casper, her mind wandered a bit to Casper’s other half James. Normally he was up bright and early but she hadn’t seen him today yet. After that, Spark Plug came in and gave them more information. [color=#556B2F]”A little shopping perhaps,”[/color] she noted. [color=#556B2F]”If the Hellfire Club is involved, perhaps they are trying to recruit this innocent. There is an obvious connection there, especially with Jinx in the vicinity. He has known ties with the Brotherhood and Casper’s new friend Magneto. That is, if Casper’s tale of being at Magneto’s place is valid.”[/color] The only thing was, Leighton, or the Ice Queen as she was calling herself, was there and she was team Hellfire now. If they went in there, would she hand the innocent over or would there be a fight. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#FFDAB9]Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker[/color][/h1][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/5vFPxGR5xMias/source.gif[/img] [color=#FFDAB9][b]Location[/b][/color]: Mutant Underground HQ -- First Floor: Training Room ---> Second Floor Hallway -- Washington D.C. [color=#FFDAB9][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Cayden took his orders from her in stride and rocked back on his heels. [color=#FFDAB9]”Well if you are certain you are alright,”[/color] he said and stood back up after squeezing her foot. His face split into a grin when Veil talked about a mission, it didn’t matter that she said Hellfire club, all he heard was mission. [color=#FFDAB9]”If you need a hand with that as well, let me know.”[/color] Cayden was always eager to go out and help in any way he could. He turned around and held his palm up to Luna for a high five, she eyed him but returned the high five. Cayden grinned and headed out of the training room and back out to find Casper. [color=#FFDAB9]”Hey Cas!”[/color] Cayden called out as he looked from room to room. He did say something about his brother so maybe he went to go find Jack. Cayden had always found Casper’s name entertaining. It was like Casper the friendly ghost, although Casper didn’t seem to like seeing the dead so much. Cayden was rather used to the concept of death and the spirit world. There had always been a lot of talk back home with his grandmother. The dead were powerful and Cayden didn't necessarily fear death but he did have a healthy respect and wariness for it. Cayden came across Jack, Casper, James and Waverley and smiled brightly at all of them. [color=#FFDAB9]"Hey guys! Cas, Veil wants to talk to you. Also, apparently there is some mission with the Hellfire club going on,"[/color] he added.