[h2]Mihama Nanako[/h2] There was only one problem with this area of the shopping district. The simple fact that there were so many different places to potentially pick up street food, from a full-blown meal to a light snack, made it incredibly difficult to actually make a decision. Nanako was consistently a little overwhelmed by the fact there were so many different foods from so many different places all being sold from a variety of different stands. It wasn't the first time Nanako had this problem, and it likely wouldn't be the last. As she tried to make her decision, Meltryllis asked her if she'd spotted anything that looked particularly appealing. The brunette turned to face the Alter Ego after a brief pause. "Not yet, there's so many options it's a little difficult to-" she stopped, noticing the fact that the petite purple-haired girl's eyes seemed to be lingering on a crepe stand for considerably longer then they had anywhere else. "..." A savory crepe wouldn't be bad at all, really. And it cut her agonizing decision-making process down quite a bit. Without another word, Nanako proceeded over to the line in front of the crepe stand, taking her spot there. "What kind did you want, Meltryllis-san?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder at her Servant as she spoke. Even without anything else that had happened, it was only natural to make the offer. [@PKMNB0Y]