Airus Vel Aath [hider=OoC] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] Several paragraphs sometimes less. [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] Yes. [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Yes, but I can accept some people have limits. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] Mandalorian and Jedi friendship, Jedi working with normal people, teaching, and Jedi vs Sith combat. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] Mostly long drawn out fight scenes or player against player fights. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Death? I mean... Things happen I can accept that, so what happens happens. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] Train a Padawan to Knighthood and achieve the rank of master. [/hider] [hider=Jedi Temple Public Records] [center][img][/img][/center] [b] Name: [/b] Airus Vel Aath [b] Species: [/b] Miraluka [b] Homeworld: [/b] Coruscant [b] Age: [/b] 26 [b] Gender: [/b] Male [b] Rank: [/b] Knight [b] Master: [/b] N/A [b] Former master(s): [/b] Master Vorlya Sisk, Master Sar Dan'ii (Deceased), Master Vant Turus [b] Apprentice(s): [/b] [url=]Jedi Padawan Miarhi Gako[/url] (newly assigned) [/hider] [hider=Jedi Temple Internal Records] [h3][sub]Summary of Jedi's appearance.[/sub][/h3] Airus stands roughly two meters tall, with a muscular build that reflects his own constant training, his weight is around ninety kilograms thanks to his rather dedicated psychical training. Tufts of red hair often poke out from under his hood and the bandages that are wrapped around his head. Scars mostly healed along his chest, while usually wrapped in traditional Jedi robes Airus does favor bolder color choices closer to home or when traveling on trips that involve less crawling through the dirt. With pale skinned tanned from field work and days spent looking for items or gathering information scholars within the temple requested. At a distance with his hood up, many assume Airus is much older than he appears upon lowering it the Miraluka's rather unblemished skin, with a strong jawline his usual clothes looking more akin to traveling pilgrim or settler as he assists in dig sites, archive recovery, and taking younglings on tours of Jedi heritage sites. He also keeps a small military locker with extra robes, tools, and equipment on board his ship so he can change clothes changing out equipment between missions. [h3][sub]Compiled Reports on Knight Vel Aath's Force abilities[/sub][/h3] [hider=Force Abilities] Force Sight (Advanced): Expert Talent. Force Empathy: Expert Talent. Telepathy: Basic training. Revitalize: Intermediate training. Force Weapon: Basic training. Breath Control: Basic training. Force Speed: Basic training. Telekinesis: Intermediate training. Force Throw: Intermediate training. Telekinetic defense: Intermediate training. Force sense: Intermediate training. Precognition: Intermediate training. Mind trick: Expert talent. Force jump: Basic training. Tutaminis (Basic): Intermediate training. [/hider] [hider=Master Turus, Jedi Archivist, report on Knight Vel Aath Force skills] Knight Vel Aath has shown a good understanding of the force and expanded his understanding of since having joined as a Lorekeeper, he is one of the youngest of our numbers and as such we often advise him in the ways of the force when he returns to Tython. His natural talents as Miraluka are also bolstered by his skills as a Force Empath, while we advise caution he has used to it help understand of the younglings he assists us in teaching about the history of Tython and the Jedi. His talent in the force exists but he has trouble honing it due to the high number of tasks we assign him. Though we have recently begun to try and determine if Airus can learn psychometry, mental ability is strong thus we believe he may have the skills needed to perform it. However, he does lack in force powers meant for combat as we have tried to push him towards using the force to see himself through battle rather than a lightsaber, yet I feel he is at heart more suited to combat with a weapon than through the force. Though he has developed control and the ability to use Force Weapon at a young age, though I feel as he often handles many missions from our own Master Lorekeepers and assists in teaching as well he should remain focused on practical abilities and combat skills. While I believe it would be best for my former Padawan to spend more time at the temple his skills in the field are an asset, his ability as an empath has made it easy for him to work with others. His choice in learning practical force abilities while disappointing to me has served him well, with the Sith contesting our dig sites, temples, sanctuaries, relics, and more having a capable and talented warrior in our ranks is a blessing I would not dare to argue. That stated I cannot recommend he take a Padawan just yet, while I believe he is one of our rising stars and the future of the Lorekeepers. His work is valuable I feel if he proves unable to handle teaching and carrying out missions it could result in his own death, his Padawan's death, and the failure of the critical role he plays within our division of the Jedi Order. Furthermore, his emotional outburst during the Sacking of Coruscant has given me much pause, his connection with his Master was strong. If he connected with a pupil like that he could be an excellent teacher however that connection being broken again could drive him towards a path of darkness. [/hider] [hider=Master Voryla Sisk, Jedi watchmen, Report on Knight Vel Aath abilities after mission together] Airus is one of the finest warriors I know, I must admit I am still disheartened he ended up becoming Lorekeeper as his skills would make him a fine Sentinel and one I would have proudly served with. While I do do not see him as often Master Turus or share the connection with him that his late Master Sar Dan'ii did, I was the one who found him. Even at toddler age, he displayed a gift in the Force. I could sense him as he reached out to me, as such I spoke with his mother she agreed to his training. After that, I visited him several times while he was in training as a youngling, as a fellow Empath I hoped to teach him how to control his powers until he was ready. In my recent mission on Coruscant searching the lower districts for information, we could recover from destroyed sections of the temple. Airus displayed several skills that impressed me, first as a Miraluka and no doubt thanks to the tutelage of his fellow Consulars he displayed much better control of his force sight allowing us to avoid danger on our way to the lower levels. Second, it seems while he by no means an expert he showed promise in carefully levitating a lightsaber into position to cut away dangerous debris and create a safe passage through the sewers, I believe he could benefit from attempting to learn more in telekinetic lightsaber combat. After the long trek down, my age had begun to catch up with me some and Airus kindly performed a revitalization upon me after he had finished the data extraction and we had scoured the area for any lost objects that may have survived. While I believe he lacks the more well-rounded force powers of his fellow Lorekeepers he does have a grasp of the force and how it is best for him to use it. He has also shown to have grown more comfortable in control of his abilities as Empath yet able to use them to aid others and work towards solutions through honestly and compassion. I believe Knight Vel Aath has the understanding to teach a Padawan and pass on important skills, while he does not follow convention among Lorekeepers or Consulars, I believe that is a good thing. He is different and it makes him able to handle challenges most other Jedi Lorekeepers might not able to normally handle. I believe he will be a good teacher and perhaps one day, a great Master Jedi. While his emotional outburst was concerning his control has improved and the Council showed give him something to help reinforce his improvement. He still speaks little and seems to completely lack friends, that is not healthy even Jedi need companions to turn too or trust in times of need. I feel the more he tries to stand alone worried he might get to close to someone the more it may drive him away from the Order. [/hider] [h3][sub]Compiled Reports on Knight Vel Aath's skills and abilities outside of requirements[/sub][/h3] [hider=Knight Milo Nerel, Jedi Archivist, Report on Airus's behavior since promotion.] Airus is rather considerate, doing work I fall behind on when he's back from missions, I've even caught him humming songs as he helps reorganize the holocron vault or sorts through data helping us to determine what is missing from the collection. Yet whenever I offer to help him with his work or take a break with him, he smiles and just tells me he would rather keep working. His very guarded for a Jedi, he enjoys the company but never wants to wants to build friendships. I understand he had a rather emotional outburst after his Master's death and his promotion to Knight was delayed but... He shouldn't be sheltering himself from his fellow Jedi worrying loss might weaken him. I know Master Turus says he's doing this to protect himself as much as the rest of us, but he is one of is. He shouldn't have to try and hide everything to protect Jedi should overcome emotions, not turn them off. He is good with the younglings and he's kept up with me whose nearly two decades his senior while handling every mission that's been asked of him on Tython and off. [/hider] [hider=Knight Kuly Sol, Jedi Guardian, Dantooine incident report] I have to write this report now, the Council should know what happened with Airus, the rest of too I guess. Airus and I had been assigned to Dantooine in supporting roles I had been promoted before him but I heard upon our return he would be a Knight too since he'd completed the trials. We had been here for a few days we were supposed to get new orders when Master Dan'ii arrived but... We lost contact with Coruscant, only later did we know it had been attacked. I was concerned, I had trouble making a plan... Airus helped center me along with a couple of the other Jedi present as well. Then he explained we needed to do something, so rather than stand around waiting we decided to head to the front lines. If the Sith were up to something we needed to end the battle here so we could find out what was going on. We arrived and began to help with the defensive, gave the troops breathing room. But then we got the word, that no one could contact Coruscant. I saw Airus tense up, then he turned towards the commander. He asked where the enemy was thickest, where it would be hardest for his men to break through, he showed us a spot on the grid... Airus said we should head there, that we couldn't leave until they were beaten here and that if Coruscant was attacked we needed to finish here to go help. I don't know if it was then but he just... He felt like he was wrestling with some turmoil. Trying to run ahead of the rest of us, we were emotional but... He seemed unlike himself and I don't say that lightly. We were all young Knights and older Padawans so I expected us to have issues staying perfectly to the code. A Sith apprentice rushed the battle line with a group of droids, Airus got close to him first and struck him down, fast. I know Airus is good with a saber but I can't imagine how he dispatched a Sith that quickly even with troopers backing him up. I think he really used the dark side at this moment because he was even more capable than anyone of us. He gave a cry something about the Republic and charged, the Sith's lightsaber hovering behind him as he used to cover his flank as we lead a sudden charge. Airus had inspired the soldiers the sudden surge caught the Imperial forces off guard, with a handful of Jedi and the beleaguered troopers we took over their defenses. However, Airus was yelling at the Sith, panting, destroying their droids one after another when the enemy trench line was cleared. Then he just collapsed to his knees, I think he was hurting I believe he might have sensed his master's death. I just know that... Something was wrong, he was usually so nice and collected, he had never been like that before while I don't believe he would willingly use the dark it's hard to know what people are capable of now. [/hider] [hider=Master Sar Dan'ii, Former Jedi Battlemaster, recovered report from Coruscant temple Log 1] While Padawan Airus has shown competency with both his saber and the Force, his talents for research and notation is impressive. He has shown masterful understanding and care when in use of a holocron for learning. More impressively when I was asked to assist in Senate negotiations for a trade deal. My dutiful Padawan gathered research material and created a comprehensive guide for me to learn the nuances of the politics of the system while we were in route to Coruscant. I believe that is how I managed to learn enough about the issue between the two to successfully accomplish the negotiations. Though I was slightly embarrassed when my Padawan later fell asleep during the Senate floor meeting though I admit it may have been the doing of the late nights he pulled. Though this ensured I could accomplish this important task. [/hider] [hider=Master Sar Dan'ii, Former Jedi Battlemaster, recovered report from Coruscant temple Log 2] Today Airus and I were escorting Imperials who had been captured during the fighting, they are the enemy and we fight them constantly. Yet Airus instead sat down near some of the soldiers and began talking with them. I know not if it was his sight as a Miraluka or gifts as an Empath that allowed him to see what they felt and to help ease their fears but he spoke with them for a while. He even brought out chocolates he had purchased on Coruscant and shared them with the prisoners, while some of the Republic troopers thought it wrong that Airus would give them any dignity he did not pause. He just... Saw them as another living being, scared and trapped here he tried to help them while he is clever I believe his greatest asset is currently how he can speak with others with complete understanding. He shows compassion in a time of war, much like any true Jedi he knows how to give freely of himself even those who he once fought. Though I must admit it does come at a cost his understanding had him questioning why the Republic used such harsh methods to transport the prisoners though I tried to explain that it was due to Imperials being capable of incredible feats of cunning like capturing a ship they were held prisoner on he did seem to still harbor doubts. [/hider] [hider=Master Turus, Jedi Archivist, Changes in Knight Vel Aath since promotion and Sacking of Coruscant] While I was only Vel Aath's master for a couple of years due to us suspending his promotion because of the sacking of Coruscant and attempting to rebuild and reorganize. I must say, his talent for teaching and his knowledge of history have had a strong impact on the rest of the Lorekeepers. His martial skills and abilities in the force are still present but I have not seen the great empathy for Sith and Empire my old friend Master Dan'ii spoke of. He does not even speak of them, his lightsaber training has also advanced as I see him often sparring or practice alone. I have also seen him redouble his efforts, with no major emotional changes in him since we warned him after the fall of Coruscant. He connects well to his fellow Jedi and I believe he is now avoiding building a strong connection any members of the Jedi Order to protect himself from experiencing the pain of loss again. I feel it is a mature and reasonable choice... But perhaps not the best for him in the long term. While I have expressed that a Padawan loss may worsen his condition, the successful training of a Padawan may help Airus move past this and allow him to make gains in further abilities as an Empath. That said, I continue to argue with Master Sisk over if he should train one now she argues he has shown growth and control while I argue for patience. Now fellow archivists like Knight Nerel have asked me to pass them over for teaching recommendations for Airus when they have more to offer. Knight Vel Aath is capable and has no blemishes except for that outburst but I maintain that incident alone is enough reason he should not train Padawan perhaps for decades. I was his teacher while Master Sisk has watched over him since he joined the Order she should be barred from further discussion on this topic. Moving away from my colleague's interference believe it how he copes throwing himself into training trying to be ready for the next fight. While I'm afraid he might never have that same kindness his Master found in him before he has demonstrated a skill I believe Master Dan'ii taught him. Force weapon, he has been practicing with blades, walking sticks, even a few of training staves. While his focus on saber combat is uncommon for a Consular I believe he feels most at home working in the archives, he is more relaxed here. As such I allow him time here to work in the library and teach history classes while keeping him on a constant mission rotation he has skills and I intend to use them to rebuild our library to be a great home of knowledge once more. [/hider] [h3][sub]Report on Knight Vel Aath's combat skills[/sub][/h3] [hider=Lightsaber Skills] Soresu: Expert Skill Djem So: Intermediate Skill Shien: Intermediate Skill Makashi: Basic Skill [/hider] [hider=Master Voryla Sisk, Jedi watchmen, report on Knight Vel Aath's Lightsaber training.] Since I am the most senior member aware of Airus's training I will be writing this report. Airus Vel Aath studied Soresu during his time at the temple, though he advanced faster than the other students. This caught Battlemasters Dan'ii by surprise, normally very bookish students prefer the force. After his trials, she surprised me and took Airus as her Padawan though I admit it was a very good match even if Airus did want myself or one of the Lorekeepers as a teacher. He wrote to me often and when he did not we would meet and talk within the temple, I was still a recruiter at the time. Master Dan'ii believed Airus would benefit most from the more defensive styles so she taught him Djem So and Shien as well, Airus showed great promise of even building his own style. However after the sacking of Coruscant a day before his promotion ceremony he seemed to have added on more skill to his list. Makashi, while he has had no formal instruction I believe he has been training with a Holocron in the use of dueling style, as he wants to be ready to defeat the Sith who took his master from him. I think this may be what he changed the emotional damage he was dealt into, resolve to be ready for a fight against the Sith. He is no stranger to combating the Dark Side, he's fought before but I believe he is trying to become as capable as his Master. While a worthy goal, I don't think trying to be like her is the answer to his problem, Airus must learn to fight like himself rather than Master Dan'ii. [/hider] [hider=Master Turus, Jedi Archivist, report on Knight Vel Aath's field performance] Knight Vel Aath recent performance has been impressive, we note him using Forms two, three, five(Shien and Djem So), and Jar'kai. While I would ask how he became so well rounded, I know it is due to his own natural affinity for saber combat and of course his former Master, may she rest peacefully in the Force. As such I have begun advising Airus on how to train in telekinetic Lightsaber combat which his master was so famous for, I do not think he will be ready to use it for years to come but I do hope to guide him so that her legacy lives in one of her brightest pupils. While he did display skill in using his sabers telekinetically during his outburst it lacked refinement and while I believe he channeled rage in doing so. Jedi have lashed out and anger but the Knight he was with was even shocked by the ferocity he showed. I will not speak ill of the dead but Airus should have been so strongly connected to her as to cause something like this. As for the issue of his second lightsaber's creation and origin. I believe it was made as a gift for him once he had graduated by Master Dan'ii, since Airus had always been impressed with her multiple saber skills. It is not one of Master Dan'ii sabers nor does it use one of her crystals. So please dispell the rumors that Airus looted the saber, it is upsetting the young man I am sure. I have done my best to quash rumors among the library staff and assistants. [/hider] [h3][sub]Detailed notes on political influence and associates. [/sub][/h3] None... Yet. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Order and Republic.[/sub][/h3] Unidentified Sith who slew Battlemaster Sar Dan'ii [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates, including intimates.[/sub][/h3] Knight Milo Nerel: A Jedi archivist who works alongside Airus one of the younger members of the Lorekeepers who has tried to befriend Airus. Believes Master Turus is unfairly harsh on Airus for possibly using the dark side and should work on forgiveness. Knight Kuly Sol: (Deceased.) A human Jedi Knight who led a group of Knights and Padawans at the battle of Dantooine. Reported Airus for possible Dark side use, died in orbit around Dantooine, transport destroyed. With her report and other witness testimony, Airus had to spend two years under observation before being allowed to receive his promotion to Knight. Master Sar Dan'ii: (Deceased) A Sephi Coruscant Temple Battlemaster who was Knight Vel Aath's Master and a well-known user of telekinetic lightsaber combat. Airus was tutored by her as a saber instructor as a youngling before being selected as her Padawan. He forged a strong connection viewing her a sort of mother figure, having known her for nearly ten years and having her as a constant for most his development out of childhood. Airus was shaken badly by her death which he felt through the force glimpsing only her final moments which occasionally reappear in his nightmares. Master Vorlya Sisk: A former Human Jedi recruiter who discovered Airus as a toddler and brought him to the order, a fellow empath. Promoted to Master and reassigned as a Watchmen to Coruscant system after the battle of Coruscant. Has a strong belief in Knight Vel Aath, originally wanted to have him as her Padawan. Also one of the only people to have knowledge of Airus's twin sister also in the Jedi Order. Master Vant Turus: An elderly Caamasi Jedi Historian, Airus Vel Aath's Master after the death of Master Dan'ii and currently keeping an eye on Airus for the Council. While the Order was in disarray after the fall it was Master Turus who advised waiting to make sure Airus could handle being a Knight before promoting him. However, most others felt his fears are unfounded after Airus has shown no troubling signs openly after his Master's death, Master Turus still does not feel he ready, however. [h3][sub]List of all known ownerships, including vessels, (non-standard) equipment, and locations.[/sub][/h3] Defender Light Corvette, with a library data stack rather than a meeting room. Jedi Lightsaber training holocron on Makashi. A trunk of spare clothes, tools, and holos of his time on Coruscant. Located on his ship. A curve hilted lightsaber made for him by Master Dan'ii, the blade is yellow same color as Master Dan'ii's sabers. [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of Knight Airus Vel Aath[/sub][/h3] Calm, thoughtful, collected, and well mannered. Airus Vel Aath is a credit to his teachers, showing many skills which the Jedi Order can put to good use. However, Master Turus may be correct in that he has lingering issues the warning sign he pointed out was Airus turning towards using Makashi after training in only defensive forms before the Battle of Coruscant. It could be a warning or it could be he simply felt he could not fight well enough blade to blade, many of us had revelations that changed us after that battle. However, the warning for me came after Airus was sent another prisoner escort mission. His departed former Master reported that Airus showed compassion even too enemy troops, I feel he may be pushing back against that compassion. I believe he may not be ready to express himself to others he doubts others intentions prefer to avoid difficult issues rather than face them. He may be trying to suppress his own natural talent as an empath and that is not healthy while assigning him a Padawan may assist in this, however, assigning him a Padawan may force him to trust and open up again that however is up to the council to decide. Airus meanwhile may not be dealing with his grief, I believe he is training himself and taking these missions one after another to avoid asking questions on his Master's death and to prevent himself from looking into the Sith who slew her. In time I believe he may want to pursue this Sith and defeat them himself, I am unsure of it right now, that will require further research and interviews. Finally, I believe he may be suffering from constant visions of the battle of Coruscant possibly due to his connection to his Master showing him her emotions and thoughts near the end of her life. [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into a restricted database.[/sub][/h3] Due to his talent as an Empath and Force Sight he can often guess what other people are feeling usually tries to help, many people find it hard to deal with someone who knows how they feel. Not to mention how people outside the Jedi order react when someone knows your feelings, then tries to tell you how to deal with them. As an Empath Airus often has trouble when facing another force sensitive or someone he must face as he ends their life. Finding it difficult to take a life through training he has dealt with most of the hesitance, however, when he can feel the emotions coming off someone who is afraid of death he has allowed them to escape rather than end them. Airus is also afraid of building connections, while on assignment to Dantooine Airus lashed out after feeling the death of his Master. He joined several Republic soldiers and fought against the Sith while other Jedi did the same, Airus showed violent tendencies. His fellow knights reported he had taken a second saber with the Force off of a Sith and cut down Sith with reckless abandon. The Council then had him reassigned and he spent two more years as Padawan after the Sacking of Coruscant. Airus worries he will not live up to the legacy of his Master, also thinking of how he might not become a Master himself. This was reinforced when he was forced to wait two more years after being told he would be promoted to Knight. Believing it was because the Council considered him unworthy of unbecoming a Knight. Airus works hard to prove himself but he exhausts himself constantly leaving little time for bonding with fellow Knights after training and missions. He is considered a bit of outsider even by others who trained with him at the temple, well regarded by others he is often alone because of rumors about him or because he simply has no time to make friends with other Jedi. Politics, while he has the skills to negotiate and bargain with others Airus is often bored to tears by politics finding it far more fascinating to read about than to experience. He was noted to have fallen asleep during long senate meetings, saved only by the fact they could not tell with his lack of eyes. [h3][sub]known interests of the force-user.[/sub][/h3] Airus is a Jedi Historian, while that entails much bookkeeping it also requires writing skills whether reading or writing Airus is happy. Many Jedi elder Jedi have advanced skills in writing and deciphering old texts, while Airus lacks the years of experience he does leap at the chance to do the work. Airus most enjoys the work of documenting and writing up accounts of history and events. He has also been seen writing in late hours of the night in the library on a personal project his fellows have yet to learn anything about. Combat, surprisingly for one of the Jedi bookworms Airus is, in fact, a fan of combat enjoying training and sparring with others. He also enjoys exercise and practices moving meditation regularly. He practices regularly in saber combat and while he keeps it training in force combat he does not push to learn more of it with more focus on his saber skills for the time being. Airus is a rather capable musician and seems to have an ear for several instruments. He hums and sings to himself while working as it seems to help him deal with more tedious jobs. Airus has learned to cook for himself and has a surprising amount of competence in the kitchen more than likely due to his formers masters love of preparing her own meals. [h3][sub]Notes on skillset specialization, if applicable.[/sub][/h3] As a rather well-rounded Jedi Airus works well on most missions, however, his knowledge makes him useful when working to locate Jedi teaching or important artifacts. However, his understanding and compassion make him good at allowing very different Jedi and even non-Jedi personal concerns to addressed and concerned. Skilled in combat he is very capable in a fight and as such he assigned missions that could result in combat or to serve in dangerous areas. Airus is capable enough that they feel he can handle threats from most enemies he may encounter in the field. [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] Assisted in four trade deal negotiations and two legislation passages. Served in several battles alongside the Republic. Fought at the battle of Dantooine. Completely several missions in archive recovery. Returned records from lower Coruscant. Currently under review to train a Padawan. [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3] Had a major emotion outburst and did not follow the Treaty of Coruscant at Dantooine. Reported using violent and possible dark side techniques at the battle. Became emotionally distressed and frayed after sensing the death of his Master on Coruscant. Ordered to spend two more years under Master Turus as a Padawan before receiving his Knighting ceremony even after completing the trials. [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]Knight Airus Vel Aath, Padawan Assignment Interview[/sub][/h3] "Why I want to train a Padawan? Well... I mean it's kinda simple, but I think that knowledge is the most important thing. Sure the archives hold a lot of it... And the Holocrons hold even more but, a teacher changes information into something you can use, things that are real. Skills, abilities, idea, philosophies, they need someone to focus them to help you figure out what you need to become you." "My... My master did that for me, Master Dan'ii... She gave the ability to see past more than just me liking reading and writing. She gave me more than the skills to use my saber, she taught why it was important. The impacts we make on other people when we do these, why the work we do changes the galaxy and how we can make it better through that change." "Being a teacher means... It means it will be my job to give someone else that insight, it means I will be able to help someone else discover the things I couldn't learn from the temple. That I needed to be taught by a Master and in the field, the most important part though... Is that the lessons we are taught by our masters carry on the legacy of a Jedi, the stories I tell my Padawan and journies I experience with my Padawan will be stories and journies they will know when they train a student. It means in a way... We live on through the people we teach so in a sense as long as the knowledge we leave helps them keep going we never forgotten here or in the force. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Published Works] A retrospective take on the Great Sith War and the causes that led to Mandalorian War: By Airus Vel Aath An Annotated History of major trade deals from the Outer Rim: By Airus Vel Aath [hider=Works under a pseudonym Acertya Brayle] Dawn of a Knight's Dream: A Jedi who has abandoned the Order after the battle of Malchor five is caught alone by an inexperienced Mandalorian warrior. Before the Jedi is executed they are cornered, pirates have come, now old enemies must work together. The book features a very accurate depiction of a Jedi and Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, with Mandalorian's training being far below that of more veteran warrior, highlighting how the Mandalorian forces were taking every fighter they could. The pair form a mutual relation evading pirates in the system that culminates when the Mandalorian admits her feelings, forcing the Jedi to speak of what he wants now that he is not part of the Jedi Order. Both resolve to escape and lay down their weapons after escaping the pirates finding a world to just retire on. They are successful and go on to settle on the planet Concord Dawn, starting a family. [i]Praised for an insightful view of the Outer Rim after the Mandalorian Wars. It gave a very detailed view of why the war started and how in the end it only harmed both sides. This was the first novel published by Acertya Brayle, with all of the profit the writer made off of the work going to helping refugees in the outer rim. The novel is rather popular among the Core worlds, Mandalorian systems, the Outer Rim, and rumored to have some following even among the Jedi and Sith.[/i] An Ember among the Blind: A Vahla Cultist separated from his fellow nomads is given shelter and food by Miraluka colonists. Taught that the dark is the only way perhaps there is more to learn from these other force sensitives? The Vahla cultist argues with the Miraluka often over their views of the galaxy and why it is wrong to use dark powers. Yet over time, he is won overseeing the Luka Sene using the force in simple practical ways and how they study and share knowledge so freely. Eventually, his people return to take him back with them however choosing to do so by force the Embers of Vahla fall upon the Miralukan colony and a battle between the two force sensitive races looms. Embers seeing the Miraluka as allies of the Jedi, while the Miraluka while peaceful prepare to defend their homes. Coming to a head, the young Vahla cultist joins the defenders explaining his people's tactics refusing to allow the kindly Miraluka to be destroyed by his own bitter race. Wounded while destroying the Vahla's ship he loses his sight and left arm. However, he heals and begins to see through the force embracing the Miraluka. His remaining people are shown to now live side by side with the Miraluka having a home among others like them. As the former cultist joins the Miraluka who rescued him in living together discussing what they will do from then on. [i]Praised for taking a look at force sensitive groups outside of the Jedi and Sith discussing their differences in philosophy. The novel itself was applauded by Miraluka for an impressive understanding of Luka Sene and Miralukan people. The wider galaxy found it appealing as it was engaging as well it seemed, reviewing well though not to the success of the writers first novel. Popular in the Core worlds, Expansion region, and strangely scattered throughout Imperial territory. The novelist's profits were all donated homeless refugees.[/i] Eternity with my Enemy: An Imperial Medic and Republic Commando on Alderaan are trapped in a foxhole after an artillery shell has damaged both soldiers sight. Unable to see each other they form a friendship as they realize they aren't so different while waiting out the barrage of artillery. The two discussing their families as time goes on both become suspicious of the other but decide it's not worth it to risk a fight. The shelling goes on for near a day, they both discussing what they want to do with their lives and the people they wish to go home too. Both mention how they lost someone in the war, alluding to family members. However, they laugh talking about their respective units confirming for both their different alignments which causes them both to think about what to do next. When the artillery stops, they both start to move from the crater only to hear blaster fire and jump back in. It continues for a moment as both finally confess their allegiances, then both state they would surrender now than continue to cower here. Both stating they are friends that they will both protect each other no matter who they surrender to in the end. Standing up with their hands up hearing someone approach, they both were about to state a surrender before a Killik's fell upon them. In the end, it is revealed that Empire shelled their own position disturbing a Killik nest to prevent Republic forces from advancing through a sector. [i]Released just after the signing of the treaty of Coruscant this novel was almost banned on several worlds believing it harbored pro-Imperial sentiment. Yet the novel itself was reported to be more of a discussion on the horrors of war and how those caught in the middle of war can be all too similar. This novels profits went caring for displaced peoples throughout the galaxy. The novel while not popular among the core worlds found much popularity among the pro-peace planets and among veterans. While not officially sold in the Empire it has gained some following.[/i] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Miraluka Writing Sample 1] Airus walked through the streets of Coruscant, he'd come here to his home after the sacking of the city. He'd been born here, while he'd been raised in the halls of the Jedi Temple and listening to the thrum of a starship's engine most of his time as a Padawan. This had always been home, he walked with his cloak wrapped tightly around him, though it was hot he didn't want to be noticed. The Jedi were not popular on Coruscant and he could only imagine how a crowd might react to him. He moved slowly careful to avoid the mess of auras moving through the streets, the colors swirled and changed with each new person that moved into view but as a collective, he could feel fear, of course, it was easier to see it all. Airus could sense large Trandoshan approaching from behind the large alien was looking for a fight and Airus didn't want to be his target. So the Jedi turned his head as if to look at the neon of a bar his head bent to hide the covers over his eyeless face. Airus watched the presence of the Trandoshan stalk further and further through the crowd, pushing through it. Airus breathed a sigh of relief avoiding yet another possible instance of attack for being a Jedi. Passing by a bar he saw at those inside the club, even those escaping into the nightlife were filled with lingering fear and dread as they drank and watched dancers perform. Carefully he picked his way through the streets being mindful to take back alleys where he could notice if a certain aura lagging behind him was following him or just happened to take the same route. Of course today it was more paranoia than logic winning out after he'd heard the Jedi were leaving Coruscant he understood that popular opinion was against them. He worried citizens may start targeting Jedi blaming themselves for the death of so many innocents. But no one followed through the alleyways as he returned to the elevator and begin to ascend back to the surface, back towards ships that would take the Jedi to a new home. [/hider] [hider=Miraluka Writing Sample 2] Airus broke into a sprint he had been sent to protect a dig site which may contain Jedi relics. He had felt an unease before from the workers but now he could see the auras with killing intent. They were Imperials or pirates trying to take relics for themselves. It didn't matter they were a threat to the innocents here at the dig site that meant he could take any chances. Airus counted six combatants as he crouched behind a crumbling wall they were advancing on surrendering workers. Not only could he feel the fear from the workers on the other side of the collapsing wall, but he could also see the advancing pirates. Three more were moving around the edge of dig site to head down towards the ruins. However, he couldn't engage them first, he had to protect civilians. He could tell they were pirates just by the outline of their gear, the armor they wore was nothing like the Imperials. They were all Weequay pirates the pheromones they used allowed for silent communication meaning they were probably discussing how to kill the civilians. Carefully Airus drew his sabers then leaped up over the wall landing in front of them Airus carefully watching each as he moved into his defensive posture. "Leave now and no one has to die, pirates. I don't want to fight but I will defend these people." They seemed to consider it a moment the aura of two of the six shifted color as they considered walking away. Yet suddenly one took a shot at Airus, the Jedi quickly reflecting the bolt back at him. The rest began to fire as Airus focused on their feelings, the emotions they showed and felt. Each shot was anticipated and returned when he was unprepared to block he gracefully twisted and turned his body to avoid the blaster fire of that pirates. The fight was short but loud, Airus knew the three other pirates would come running so he ran towards the mouth of the ruins, he could see them just below him. Setting explosives, they weren't here to loot to the place they had been paid to destroy it. While Airus hated the idea of damaging the ruins of such an interesting piece of history the site itself could not be lost. He thrust each blade into the ground cutting a hole into the chamber, noticing the soft thrum of a generator below reminded him that they had no light save for work lights. He pulled the power cable from the generator with the force, the three pirates began to back towards a single point of light in the room. As they did Airus dropped down on to one of the Weequay pirates. Planting his boot against the top Weequay's skull Airus jumped into the darkness leaving one knocked out. The other two rather panicked pirates, frantically searched the dark as Airus spoke calmly, trying to talk them down once again. "You've lost, just surrender and I promise you will have a fair trial." He offered, however before he had a chance offer more words. The larger of the two remaining pirates unslung his rifle and fired into the darkness. He was wildly firing but Airus was hiding behind a fallen chunk of the ceiling, currently focusing on removing the bomb. Using the force he picked up the explosive as the two circled back to back around the single point of light in the room. They were waiting for the Jedi to make a move, committed to the job until the end it seemed. Knowing he had to get the bomb out of here Airus laid his back against a fallen piece of ceiling. He took several deep breaths as they stopped firing. Steadying himself, he rushed towards the pair he igniting his saber flipping over the first landing between them. He quickly thrust the blade into the heart of the first pirate spinning around slicing into the second pirate. Airus turned off his sabers placing them on his hip. The bomb still in one hand when he noticed the aura of the unconscious changed to one rage and hatred with a simple motion that pirate armed the bomb with the detonator. Realizing this Airus had quickly dropped the explosive and jumped for the entrance he'd created earlier. The explosion channeled upwards by the hole he'd made caught him in the air sending careening into a wall cracking it. The Jedi was knocked out by the force of the detonation alone and had quite a few injuries when he was found by the dig site personal. [/hider] [hr] Ca'tra Ordo [hider=OoC] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] Several paragraphs sometimes less. [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] Yes. [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Yes, but I can accept some people have limits. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] Mandalorian culture, Politics on all sides, Jedi and Mando relations, and Mandalorian identity. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] Mostly long drawn out fight scenes or player against player fights. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Death? I mean... Things happen I can accept that, so what happens happens. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] Make friends among the Republic, break the Mandalorians away from Sith Manipulation, create an independent Mandalorian territory, and force the Sith to make apology and pay reparations for causing the Mandalorian Wars. [/hider] [hider=Mandalorian Tribal Record] [b] Name: [/b] Ca'tra Ordo [b] Species: [/b] Mandalorian (Human) [b] Age: [/b] 35 [b] Gender: [/b] Female [b] Clan: [/b] Ordo [b] Specialization: [/b] Blaster combat (Pistol, Heavy blaster), swordplay, and negotiations. [b] Planet of origin: [/b] Ordo [b] Current area of operation: [/b] Coruscant [/hider] [hider=Mandalorian Clan Record] [hider=Armored] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Out of Armor] [img][/img] [/hider] [h3][sub]Detailed description of the warrior.[/sub][/h3] Ca'tra Ordo is a fair skinned woman with a muscular build from her youth spent training under her father's tutelage to one day replace him as leader of the clan. Standing at around one point eight meters tall and weighing just around seventy-five kilograms as she would say it's all muscle. The tattoos along her right arm were given to her by her older sister who did them so that they could identify each other remains should they die in battle. Dressed often in her personal armor when out of it she prefers loosing fits or practical clothes, usually wearing that when performing weight training or sparring with a partner. [h3][sub]Report on all relevant skills and talents, including level of skill.[/sub][/h3] Expert diplomat, an unusual skill for a Mandalorian but Ca'tra was tutored by several former Republic Senators, other major players in Republic space. She also learned the court manners and rules of Imperial culture, once the Imperials returned to known space her mother and father believed it best that she be able to speak and commune with those outside of Mandalore. Rather than sheltering her in tradition they encouraged her to learn and follow her own ways while keeping to her Mandalorian heritage. Fluent in several languages Galactic Standard Basic, Mando'a, Durese, Miralukese, High Galactic, and Imperial basic. Languages come easily to her and she practices them constantly. Capable weapon and armor smith, as with all Mandalorians Ca'tra has had to learn to improve her own armor and weapons without help. As such she had upgraded her armor several times before, communication's relay improvement, Beskar armor reforged in her own style, jetpack, Beskad, Kal, vambrace weaponry, and a custom blaster cannon tuned for rate of fire and damage. Ca'tra Ordo is believed to the next to lead the clan taking over from her father who even in old age has held onto the title of Clan leader fiercely. Clan Ordo is strong willed and is one of the most intact clans having been rebuilt far earlier than the other clans, while they follow the Mandalore they hope to bend the ear of the Mandalorians to hear their ideas and perhaps join them in. Ca'tra training was spared no expensive in learning to talk and convince others, she has studied history of the Jedi Order, the Sith Empire, and Mandalorian people knowing these she wishes to show others the lessons they can learn from their history. Like how the Sith will inevitably turn on them and they may not stay Mandalorian under the rule of the Empire. [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training[/sub][/h3] Ca'tra's blaster cannon combat training is second to none, after Canderous Ordo rebuilt Clan Ordo the Clan began to focus on the weapons training for his clan and rearming them for coming conflict. They were warriors with a sworn mission first, mercenaries second. As such the warriors of Clan Ordo learned how to perform suppressing fire, fire while moving, and accurate aim a blaster cannon for maximum effect on enemy units. Ca'tra personal weapon of choice is her Beskad, a heavy traditional blade of Mandalorian Iron as useful as a club as it is a sword. An understanding of a heavy blade and how to use it while encased in heavy armor which could hamper movement. Even learning how to use her vambrace weaponry and jet pack in a duel to maneuver and survive battles with those who are less armored and more agile. Blaster pistol training began young just like blaster cannon training, learning to quickly draw and pick targets. Learning to judge maximum range without a helmets heads up display. Marksman ship and vital point targeting were taught as you needed to hit the weak points in the armor. Most importantly depending on that pistol to protect your life when caught in spaces to small for a cannon or in a place where you might not be able to carry one. [h3][sub]Opinion on the Neo Crusader movement vs traditional Crusader?[/sub][/h3] She leans more Neo Crusader but believes both are wrong. War breeds strength but war should be tempered with a careful selection of opponent, while ensuring they remain armed and skilled enough to beat those opponents. Mandalorians are warriors first but they should also look to the greater stage to protect themselves from becoming pawns in someones else's plan once again. Mandalorians should fight for Mandalorians, not for Sith, not for the Republic, not the Jedi. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts. [/sub][/h3] Clan Ordo. Pirate hunting in Hutt Space. The destruction of the Blueblood corsairs pirate gang, former inner rim nobles who had gone pirate out of boredom and wanting to simply gain attention. It worked and their parents placed contracts on their heads for them to be brought in alive, ended up being assisted by a Jedi Master and Jedi Padawan who found respect for and maintained communication with, even with her people technically being at war with the Jedi. Jedi Battlemaster Sar Dan'ii and Jedi Knight Airus Vel Aath was a good friend of Ca'tra having encountered her and her Padawan when the two traveled into Hutt Space where she was working at the time. Ca'tra stayed in contact with Master Dan'ii and even spared often her Padawan Airus Vel Aath. On a few occasions Ca'tra attempted to battle Sar Dan'ii the Sephi Jedi proved far more than she could handle it also showed her that Jedi could be just as threatening as Sith on the battlefield. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.[/sub][/h3] Sith Lords seeking to manipulate Mandalore, Imperials Agents trying to make Mandalore tied to the Empire, and those who would make them servants of anyone else. [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates outside the Clan.[/sub][/h3] Tychus Alastor: A fellow soldier, one who has found himself in politics after the war. Ca'tra views Tychus as cautiously as she does with joy, he served and fought the Empire. She believes he is one the Senators who would back her play with little convincing. While they have had a few encounters she seems to want to sit down with him to gain his trust and perhaps assistance going forward. O'Keemi T'Sombe: Ca'tra believes O'keemi is more like a Jedi than a politician, always looking to help or give to others, she is impressive in the sheer scope of her generosity. However, Ca'tra believes she is not well suited to making hard choices or ones that could get people killed, sometimes their is no choice that saves people sometimes it's a choice between bad and bad, you just have choose which you can live with. [h3][sub]List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.[/sub][/h3] Personal items: Custom Beskar'gam, hand-tooled Mandalorian blaster cannon, Mandalorian vambrace weaponry, jet pack, Beskad, Kal, and heirloom blaster pistol. Holdings: Ajuur-class heavy cruiser, Coruscanti sky rise apartment, a small personal armory, and Clan house on Ordo. [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of warrior.[/sub][/h3] Ca'tra Ordo is one of the most driven women among the Mandalorians, she pushes forward working hard to achieve her goals and save her home from Sith rule. She also has deeply driven to become the Mandalore so that she can effect this change quickly however she'll need to be much stronger and have strong allies on her side. Even learning skills usually thought to be beyond on the Mandalorians while also being trained and groomed to take over the clan one day. She views most people as another kill notch on her belt, with Jedi and Sith being treated more as a rare treat to fight as she enjoys difficult fights. Even in defeat against an enemy she smiles and laughs in good nature though she often accompany it with a punch to the shoulder. Ca'tra also very emotional and very cynical towards the Empire, it's belief and goal, as well as the leadership of the Sith who have betrayed Mandalorians twice before. Lastly she is rather loud and rambunctious with her friends but quiet and reserve the rest of the time often looking deep in though as she constantly has to rethink and plan out what she is doing to improve her own skills or fulfill her ambitions which remain lofty and currently unchallenged. Her favorite past time however is tell stories she has heard or read, or even a few from own life. [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] Prideful- While she is young, Ca'tra believe her goals are what is best for Mandalore and often has trouble seeing others point of view. She has difficultly accepting other ideas on how things should work. Eager brawler- Eager for a fight a small slight will easily excite her so that she can have an excuse to test her own mettle in many situations. Heavy Drinker- A trait she inherited from her mother she drinks whenever she can claim her own personal time packing it away to get drunk believing it's her only way to relax around others. Less experience fighter: While she has faced pirates and such she'd never fought against military targets. She can handle herself however she cannot depend on her own abilities to be good on the battlefield having learned less than her sister and father in the ways of war. Commitaphobe- Has dated for several years, then dumped each one over minor reasons as she tries not to get attached believing that no one will make her truly happy. Usually seeing the worst in committed relationship and often making snide comments about that prefer to have shallow and meaningless relations with others in terms of romance. [h3][sub]Known interests of the warrior.[/sub][/h3] Melee combat, diplomatic ventures, trade deals, history, blaster combat, drinking, dancing, and killing Sith. [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] Subdued an entire gang in a shoot out with them before advancing on the leaders to capture them. Has begun to win the support of the Senate in trying to get Mandalorian support moved over to the Republic. Learned to upgrade and adapt her own gear rather than depend on others to do it for her. Has convinced other Clans Mandalorians to join her at their consulate on Coruscant creating as actual diplomatic group. [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3] Three failed bounties in her entire career. One on a Gen'dai she could not would enough to bring in alive. Second a rogue force sensitive who had murdered people on Nar Shaddaa, unable to retrieve him before another Bounty Hunter claimed him. Three, she accepted a contract on a sniper who had been picking off Imperial troopers bringing supplies on Alderaan. Discovering a twelve year old girl she refused the bounty and took the child in as a member of Clan Ordo. Has made no progress in bringing the Mandalore or a majority of the clans in to negotiate with the Republic mostly due to the lack of interest by the Mandolorians. She also has to little power to attempt to convince them directly though it has been growing since the treaty was written. Failed to defeat her father the first time she tried to take over as leader of the Clan, her sister told her not to return to Ordo until she could defeat their father. [/hider] [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for use in Mandalorian archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/sub][/h3] Born on the planet Ordo to two loving parents, her mother a Mandalorian artist and teacher, while her father was the leader of Clan Ordo. Her older sister and herself were trained from a young age in combat, while their mother pushed them both to gain an education and expand the knowledge base they could pool from. Ca'tra's sister focused on art and history of Republic and the Mandalorians, hoping to paint memories of great battles and tales from her family. Ca'tra meanwhile favored learning history but lacked a flair for the artistic like her sister instead she proved herself a better warrior than her sister. Quickly being groomed to take over the clan one day, her father set about teaching her the Ordo clans specialty of blaster cannon combat. As she grew up she showed great skill in debate and the more embroiled the Mandalorians became in fighting the Republic the more clan Ordo wished to alter the nature of their agreement with the Sith Empire. Ca'tra was raised among clans who knew the truth that Canderous Ordo and his close friend the Jedi Knight Revan had disclosed to them. This Sith Empire had caused the Mandalorian Wars, they had used Mandalorians to die for a cause they had no business being involved with. It was them who saw the clans scatter and weaken, even before that Exar Kun's Sith Empire had broken the Crusaders using them as pawns against the Republic. Ca'tra saw what this was, the Mandalorians didn't hate the Republic. No, instead throughout history they had been forced to fight the Republic on the behalf of others they make have taken issues with the Jedi or Republic's governance but that was another matter. Instead the Mandalorians had been made pawns of, cowardly used and abused by the Sith and the Empire. It would happen again Ca'tra believed and this time Mandalorians might not recover. Deciding to learn diplomacy, her father found it odd but agreed happy to please his daughter's need for further education. Ca'tra began to learn about debate, public forums, discussion, politics on a wider scale, species differences, cultural differences, Jedi and Sith in larger galactic frame, and such. As her knowledge grew she began to understand that the Republic while often slow and clumsy was in fact not some lumbering beast trying to eradicate them but instead something similar to a consensus of clans coming to a decision. The Republic's version of a Mandalore was not chosen by combat or who wore a helmet but instead by who would do the best job as voted by the members. Ca'tra found this system almost refreshing, while she believed combat was the best place to determine a persons true colors. The process had flaws but so did the Mandalorian system, Mandalore the Lesser proved that easily, not to mention how other Mandalore's were pushed into war by the Sith. Ca'tra believes the clans should have power to unseat the Mandalore if they do not believe he represents the will or good of the Mando'ade. A great warrior does not make a great leader, Mandalore the Lesser proved that well he was strong and capable but rather foolish and easily led. After years of training and learning of the Republic, Sith, and her own people she decided it was time to test her own skills. At eighteen Ca'tra did what most Mandalorians do, she took to hunting beginning in hunting beasts in Mandalorian space before moving to huntin bounties in Hutt space. She faced pirates, criminals, slavers, and other scum from all walks of life testing and learning her own limits and pushing them constantly. It was during her time in Hutt space she met her first Jedi years into her career, a pair of them no less a Master and Padawan she expected them to be condescending or tell her that violence wasn't the way. Instead they offered to let her turn in the bounty having only come to rescue captured Republic crewmen who were to be sold into slavery by the pirates. They were respectful, the Padawan even laughed and chatted with her about combat and history, he didn't react with fear or mistreat her. The Master of the pair even joined in the discussion about combat tactics and best weapons to face off against multiple enemies. They traveled back to the local cantina, where that evening Airus and her dueled she was astounded by the blade work. It was unreal, a style that by all rights should not work with sword play turning and spinning with momentum and clashing the blade against lightsaber was unreal. She understood in that moment why the Mandalorians wanted to challenge the Jedi, they didn't disappoint in combat. After that she tried to challenge Master Dan'ii, it took a few second before she was unarmed with a lightsaber hovering against her throat. Now she knew the fear the galaxy felt for the Jedi and the joy the Mandalorians felt in finding an enemy that could truly face them. It was only a few years after this the war came to an end, with that end the Empire had secured a treaty that gave very favorable terms and the fighting ceased. Ca'tra understood this was her chance, having grown older and more experience she returned home to petition the Mandalore to become an ambassador to the Republic. Her father meanwhile grew older, as others from throughout the clan looked inward hoping to challenge his leadership. Ca'tra returned home while waiting for the Mandalore's decision regarding her chance at becoming an ambassador, she challenged her father's position. Ca'tra fought with all she had but her father skill a warrior and not yet completely passed his prime forced her to yield and told her not to return until she was ready to lead the clan. She had to get stronger if she was going to finish the mission Canderous left to his people, to save the Mandalorians from the Sith Empire and secure Mandalorian independence and gain the Republic as an ally not a ruler. The decision was returned shortly after, she was awarded the position and other Mandalorians from those who were trusted knew Ordo's mission and the truth they had been given flocked to help her set up this position. Ca'tra found herself finally able to make headway, her past few years on Corucants have been winning trust and allies showing that Mandalorians are not monsters and genocidal monsters. It has been an uphill battle but now, she has attention of the Republic interested clans and some Republic Senators, while it's not much it is enough to begin. Her most recent achievement was adding members from each clan that has expressed interest in a Republic aligned Mandalore to her embassy in the Senate district of Coruscant. With this aid she finally has the strength to begin actively looking to Senators to start trying to show what the Mandalorians could recieve if they were to agree to work with the Republic. She has dreamed big and perhaps she will be able to accomplish that dream and create a new hope for the Mandalorian people and a future that see's Mandalorian space grow once more independent of foreign intervention. [/hider]