I havent actually used this site in about a year so i might be doing this totally wrong, but here's what I've got? pls be gentle [hider=pls be gentle][center][h1][color=Yellow]Derevi Dants[/color][/h1] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/db72079b-e85e-4b59-9c6e-3d2aa69f69cd/dbfhmv9-5677436e-8359-4c3f-b9c1-854727f08190.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RiNzIwNzliLWU4NWUtNGI1OS05YzZlLTNkMmFhNjlmNjljZFwvZGJmaG12OS01Njc3NDM2ZS04MzU5LTRjM2YtYjljMS04NTQ3MjdmMDgxOTAucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.8waVNm62AXS6NVkonxLzQGSG89kd-CMpozJ6zqCNDI0[/img] [sup][color=Yellow][h3]A former healer turned Mechanic with a crippled arm and a history of failure,[/h3][/color][/sup] [sup][color=Yellow][h3]wielding a Pyxis focused around history.[/h3][/color][/sup] [sub][color=Yellow]oo[/color]oo[/sub] [color=Yellow]Age /[/color]/ 45 [sub][color=Yellow]oo[/color]oo[/sub] [color=Yellow]Gender /[/color]/ Male [sub][color=Yellow]oo[/color]oo[/sub] [color=Yellow]Race /[/color]/ Human [sub][color=Yellow]oo[/color]oo[/sub] [color=Yellow]Ship role /[/color]/ Mechanic[/center] [color=Yellow]Derevi Dants[/color] has always sought to help those who cannot help themselves- raised on the teachings of Ravishaan from youth, [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] learned to heal others and sought the best outlet to do so: he found the [i]Fournacis[/i]. In his time healing the crew, he was introduced to his true passion- the magic of machinery. The beauty of a well oiled machine like the [i]Fournacis[/i] drew him in, enraptured him. What he learned of healing magics he began to apply to his new work as a mechanic- unorthodox, but effective. Guided by the light of Ravishaan, [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] sought to Manifest a Pyxis, and he spent many cycles seeking enlightenment through this. Eventually he attained his goal of manifesting a pyxis, but failed his goal of attaining enlightenment, so turned his eyes to the future in the hopes of an opportunity presenting itself. This opportunity did present itself, or so [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] thought, in the [i]Fournacis'[/i] final journey. As the crew fought valiantly through Ysir's horde, so did [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] fight valiantly in search of a cure for Ysir's curse, turning back to his roots as a healer. He performed some of his best work attempting to deconstruct and reverse engineer the curse, but it was work done in vain. [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] made no breakthroughs in counteracting Ysir's curse- he only managed to give himself a very mild case of the curse. Enough to take his good arm, and to give him a constant haze of fatigue, but not quite lethal. Not yet, at least. For four years, [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] sought new meaning in life. He could not bring himself to ever attempt healing magic again, for fear of failing spectacularly again, and his skill with a wrench was crippled with the loss of his arm. Ravishaan offered no enlightenment, no answers, no salvation. In order to combat the constant haze he was under, [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] became reliant on more illicit healing magics, giving him just enough drive to make it from one day to the next. Day after day, hoping, pleading for some glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Then, he had a dream. Chatter on the streets say that many people had that same dream. [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] had a calling. [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] had a purpose. [hider=Pyxis] [h2][sub]Pyxis Strength[/sub][/h2] History (yeah its vague but i think the skill list explains it better? Idk it might be too jank) [h2][sub]Form of the Pyxis[/sub][/h2] [url=https://image.spreadshirtmedia.com/image-server/v1/compositions/T812A2PA3142PT17X24Y121D1006470317FS10791Cx8B7426PA3140PT17X77Y86D1006457429S100Cx8B7426/views/1,width=650,height=650,appearanceId=2.jpg]A series of glowing golden concentric circles that wind around one another like clockwork.[/url]A series of glowing golden concentric circles that wind around one another like clockwork. It manifests over [color=Yellow]Derevi's[/color] left wrist when used. [h2][sub]Pyxis Skill List[/sub][/h2] [color=Yellow]Autodidact[/color] With focus and concentration, [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] can peek into the past of an object, and witness it's history. He can see any major alterations or trauma that the object has sustained. He's untrained and sloppy with his pyxis, so can only see an hour into the past of any object. This only allows him to see the impact of outside forces on the object, no other information. [color=Yellow]Alteration[/color] With severe expenditure of energy and time, [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] can use his pyxis to refine objects to a conceptual state of history. The exact effects of this vary from object to object, and oftentimes [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] doesn't even know exactly what the effects of this ability will be. Some examples: A glass bottle altered might produce an equal mass of loose sand. A cup of wine altered might produce a cup of freshly squeezed grape juice. A gun altered might produce a bow- a bullet altered might produce an arrow. [color=Yellow]Abscond[/color] Most of [color=Yellow]Derevi's[/color] pyxis doesn't have any effect on living moving matter, however this ability allows [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] to exert a small amount of control over his own body. He can alter his body to any state within the past 4 seconds: effectively healing any damage he's taken in that time. While useful, it's almost impossible to do multiple times without resting in between, and [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] has noticed the deadened black skin of his right arm spreads further with each use. [color=Yellow]Atone[/color] [color=Yellow]Derevi[/color] is naturally clumsy, even moreso with only one good arm. His pyxis gives him a technique that allows him to make up for this, just slightly. While using this ability, he becomes more skilled and precise at any one action for each time he performs that action and that action only. The increase from this skill is marginal and requires a large amount of unbroken repetition to show concrete improvement. [/hider][/hider]