The dusty grounds of the base was hit by a heavy storm the night before, of course there were no casualties due to it since they had reinforced the spots that caused leaking the storm before hand. The Rise couldn't send teams out for a day due to the storm and the potential it could have caused with the aliens having the advantage. But today was a different story. A radio call was captured by the Rise, and they decided to investigate as the call was something they had never heard before. The scientists recorded it and duplicated it, giving one to the current general of the reckon group, Marcus Holland; while they kept the original for themselves in order to try and decode what the sounds they heard were. Of course most of it was screaming from both human and Alien, some gunshots and humans whimpering. But what came after was confusing, the Aliens often spoke in clicks and hisses, but this seemed to be a... proper language? Whispers from multiple beings about something, before the line went quiet.[hr] The reckon team was a smaller team at this time, numbers were getting low. Unluckily for Marcus, he was tasked with dealing with a couple of new recruits, Max and Eli; both talented shooters and spotters, but rather childish and immature. Max seemed to shift in his seat after the briefing, looking at his feet before he looked out the window of the land cruiser as they drove along. "Do..." He started, looking over to Marcus, "Do you reckon the aliens will still be there?" He asked, his voice failed to hide the amount of fear as his body seemed to tremble as he spoke. "I'm sure they'd have some sort of things guarding the area." Eli added quietly, he had his headphones in, one earphone out so he could hear the conversations going as he tried to listen to the recording. "I'm not getting any proper words from this, even from the human side..." He grumbled slightly.