[hider=Knight-In-Recuperation] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/aa/a7/cd/aaa7cde32ea52282fd1adb5a8ce93e3d--anime-demon-anime-pictures.jpg[/img][/center] [color=f6989d][b]Name:[/b][/color] "Merry" Achillea [color=f6989d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=f6989d][b]Gender/Sex:[/b][/color] Female [color=f6989d][b]Race:[/b][/color] Sanyan (Deer) [color=f6989d][b]Ship Role:[/b][/color] Chef. Apparently. [color=f6989d][b]Pyxis Strength:[/b][/color] Strike [indent][color=f6989d][b]Pyxis Form:[/b][/color] A ([color=f6989d]"totally uncute"[/color]) whetstone. It hangs from a string on her belt. [color=f6989d][b]Pyxis Skill List:[/b][/color] [indent][color=f6989d]- [i]HeartMonic Guidance![/i][/color] (May Your Blade Point True): Unerring accuracy. Merry is guided by magic and is able to connect with any target or point within her sight, so long as it is within her physical limits. A surgeon's precision with no cost to her speed. This applies to Merry's body, held and thrown items. There have been cases in the past where Merry's knife's trajectory has [i]curved[/i] in midair to hit its target. The magical guidance seems to be limited to a certain amount of surface area on the item it is affecting, and therefore works best on bladed and pointed weapons. It does not work on firearms. [color=f6989d]- [i]StarShoot Burst![/i][/color] (May Your Strength Propel You): Magical tension wells in the muscles of her limbs, bursting from her soles and palms in concentrated shockwaves. She can propel herself as high as three storeys or deliver devastating palm strikes. This ability is not used often, as it would blast a hole in any article of clothing covering her energy points. No one wants a maiden to go around barefoot, right? And how's she meant to use it when she always fights with at least two swords?? [color=f6989d]- [i]Prismatic Scan![/i][/color] (May Opportunity Shine Radiant): Merry’s eyes glow vivid as points of weaknesses in her vision become highlighted for her. Structural fragility, chinks in armors, patterns in movements – anything she can physically observe. [color=f6989d]- [i]MiraSparkle Sclash![/i][/color] (May Your Will Rend the Heavens): A downward swing of her sword that generates a shining arc of energy, bisecting anything in its unstoppable path. At the peak of its range, it can split an airship down the middle. However, it requires a full minute of wind-up time, during which Merry is to be completely immobile. She cannot even adjust the direction of her attack during this period, corrections and movement must be done for her externally or else she must restart the counter.[/indent][/indent] [color=f6989d][b]Background:[/b][/color] Just a free-wheeling gal in search of love and adventure. Her background comes in bits and pieces, trickling to any who stick around the mess hall long enough. Her father is an Izman merchant. She has an uncute but precious twin sister named Siusan. She loves romance novels, radio shows, and the latest fashion trends - anything cute. She spent most of her teen years at some special boarding school. Doesn’t like to talk about it much, she’s insistent on brightly and clumsily changing the subject when anyone prods, but considering the quality of her swords and the fact that they’re only produced on one particularly militaristic taiva, it’s not difficult to put two and two together. It seems that she’s on a break from whatever she was doing prior, if not retiring completely. No matter. She knows her way around a kitchen (or the knives at least) and thanks to one of her father’s acquaintances, she’s got a job on an airship. How exciting! It seems that the ship was super famous back in the day but Merry was up to her antlers in training until recently, way too busy to keep up with the newspapers. At least it bodes well for her break (and her street cred). If she’s gonna find herself anywhere, it’s gotta be in the open skies. [/hider]