"Knowing them, who knows? Best we keep on our toes in case we need to get back out there." Marcus exclaimed to Max as he lit up a Cigar to pass the time. He always enjoyed one of those every so often, of course he rationed the ones he had due to limited supply income due to the Aliens practically owning everything. He willingly took the recruits Max and Eli in knowing full well of their attitudes and personalities. He figured his team needed some diversity to make light of the situation. When Eli pitched in his comments, Marcus retorted. "If only we had someone who could translate... So far, no one seems to have a clue. We can't go back to where we originally came from however, they'll surely be looking for us." That was when he turned to Max with a smile on his face. "You're an excellent shooter, Max. But don't let your fear of the aliens affect ya. You know as well as I do that fearing them is worse than facing them. As for you, Eli. Keep working on it, will ya? The sooner we crack that call, the sooner we'll figure out what they're after."