[INDENT][sub][sup][h3][COLOR=BLACK][b] T H E L E H R E R H Y P E R H U M A N C L A S S I F I C A T I O N S Y S T E M:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][b]T H E L E H R E R H Y P E R H U M A N C L A S S I F I C A T I O N S Y S T E M:[/b][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][b]ATLAS:[/b][/COLOR] [INDENT][I]Hyperhumans designated under the '[/I][b]ATLAS[/b][I]' classifier are those that have abilities that enhance their physical strength and durability. They are often super-strong, invulnerable, or both, but others have heightened reflexes or quickened metabolisms to allow for advanced healing rates - there are even rumours of 'immortal' Atlas-types, Hypes who simply wake up a short time after death. Note that [/I][b]ATLAS[/b][I]-types do not include those whose physical enhancements allow them great speed and no strength or durability; these Hyperhumans are designated under the '[/I][b]MERCURY[/b][I]' classifier. Named for their ability to move the world, [/I][b]ATLAS[/b][I]-type classification refers to a Hyperhuman possessing enhanced physical attributes. These attributes can include durability, strength, speed, dexterity, reflexes and so on. One of the most common Hyperhuman classes, the [/I][b]ATLAS[/b][I]-type can be divided into two Sub-Classes.[/I][/INDENT][table][row][cell][COLOR=SILVER]SUB-CLASS A: HERCULES[/COLOR][/cell][cell][COLOR=SILVER]SUB-CLASS B: MERCURY[/COLOR][/cell][/row] [row][cell][INDENT]The [b]HERCULES[/b] Sub-Class includes Hyperhumans whose [b]ATLAS[/b]-type abilities are based on enhanced strength and durability. [b]HERCULES[/b]-type [b]ATLAS[/b]es can have increased mass which grants them superior strength and durability or simple have a superhuman dermal layer and muscles.[/INDENT][/cell][cell][INDENT][b]ATLAS[/b]-type Hyperhumans who fall into the [b]MERCURY[/b] Sub-Class includes the abilities which enhance the speed of an individual. This can include superhuman speed, reflexes or dexterity. This can even extend to the ability to phase through walls and other solid objects. [b]MERCURY[/b] Sub-Class abilities can lead to an accelerated metabolism allowing for wounds to close at a much faster rate.[/INDENT][/cell][/row][/table][/INDENT] INTERNAL: -Somatic -Strength -Durability -Speed -Senses -Pheromone/Hormone -Shapeshifting -Mimicry -Auto-Biological -Psionic -Intelligence -Foresight/Clairivoyance -Telepathy -Telekinesis EXTERNAL: -Fundamental -Time -Space -Gravity -Electromagnetic -Light -Sound -Heat -Electricity -Elemental -Fire -Water -Ice -Earth -Metal -Glass -Plastics -Air -Wind -Biological -Flora -Plants -Summon -Control -Wood -Plant Based Textiles -Fauna -Summon -Control -Biological Manipulation -Negation/Amplification [sub][b][color=silver] S A N T A C E L I A || E S T . 1 7 8 3 :[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=DIMGRAY]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][sup][h3][COLOR=BLACK][b] H Y P E R H U M A N C L A S S I F I C A T I O N S:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][b]H Y P E R H U M A N C L A S S I F I C A T I O N S:[/b][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][INDENT][b]ATLAS:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'ATLAS' classifier are those that have abilities that enhance their physical strength and durability. They are often super-strong, invulnerable, or both, but others have heightened reflexes or quickened metabolisms to allow for advanced healing rates - there are even rumours of 'immortal' Atlas-types, Hypes who simply wake up a short time after death. Note that ATLAS-types do not include those whose physical enhancements allow them great speed and no strength or durability; these Hyperhumans are designated under the 'MERCURY' classifier. [color=0076a3]Named for their ability to move the world, ATLAS-type classification refers to a Hyperhuman possessing enhanced physical attributes. These attributes can include durability, strength, speed, dexterity, reflexes and so on. One of the most common Hyperhuman classes, the ATLAS-type can be divided into two Sub-Classes. [b]SUB-CLASS A: HERCULES[/b] The HERCULES Sub-Class includes Hyperhumans whose ATLAS-type abilities are based on enhanced strength and durability. HERCULES-type ATLASes can have increased mass which grants them superior strength and durability or simple have a superhuman dermal layer and muscles.{/slide} [b]SUB-CLASS B: MERCURY[/b] ATLAS-type Hyperhumans who fall into the MERCURY Sub-Class includes the abilities which enhance the speed of an individual. This can include superhuman speed, reflexes or dexterity. This can even extend to the ability to phase through walls and other solid objects. MERCURY Sub-Class abilities can lead to an accelerated metabolism allowing for wounds to close at a much faster rate.[/color] [b]CUPID:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'CUPID' classifier are those that have abilities that allow them to influence, produce, or otherwise manipulate emotions in both themselves and others. Often, CUPID-types achieve this through the use of pheromone production, manipulating the hormone levels in the body to stimulate feelings of anger, lust, joy, etc. Most CUPID-types are skilled in manipulating one or two explicit emotions while unable to influence others, but there are stories of CUPID-types with control over emotions so proficient that it borders on mind control. [b]FORTUNA:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'FORTUNA' classifier are those that have abilities that influence synchronicity; in layman's terms, FORTUNA-types tend to be able to subtly push reality one way or another, affecting things, people, or events in a manner many would liken to luck, good or bad. Whether they cause a simple equipment malfunction, quietly set-up an improbable fortune, or set into motion a wide-spanning chain of events, FORTUNA-types that master their abilities often find themselves living extremely easy lives. [b]JUNO:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'JUNO' classifier are those that can directly tap into the base genetic code of life and alter biological matter as far as their mastery allows. Most JUNO-types are either healers, able to stimulate the body and knit wounds together, or influence their own bodily form to a small degree - but a true, powerful JUNO-type would be able to split skin, incubate horrible plagues, or have complete control over bone and muscle. [color=0076a3]Where an ATLAS-type Hyperhuman is based on physical enhancements, the JUNO-type Hyperhuman is able to modify and control both their own biology and possibly that of others. Some JUNO-types are able to transform their body or manipulate themselves to produce specific attributes while others are able to manipulate the body's chemical elements, including pheromones, saliva and blood. The JUNO-type has two Sub-Classes. [b]SUB-CLASS A: CUPID[/b] The CUPID Sub-Class focusses on manipulating the body's various elements. This can include pheromones, blood, salvia, bone or hair. [b]SUB-CLASS B: ORCUS[/b] The ORCUS Sub-Class is focused on biological transformations. The ability to manipulate the body in ways that aren't possible without this particular Hype-Gene. This could include simply stretching the body like an elastic band or transforming completely into another person, animal or even inanimate objects. ORCUS type abilities can also include regeneration tissue and other body parts.[/color] [b]MARS:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'MARS' classifier are perhaps the most diverse. While all MARS-types are energy manipulators, their abilities vary wildly from Hype to Hype - simply because of the sheer amount of energy forms, there are in the universe. Some MARS-types can bend light, making themselves invisible to the naked eye, while others have access to electromagnetic or radioactive energy. While some MARS-types are paltry in terms of power, it is widely regarded that they have the sheerest potential. [b]MERCURY:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'MERCURY' classifier are those that possess extra-normal means of travel from wherever they are to wherever they want to be. The more common MERCURY-types have forms of super speed or flight, often able to move at speeds unmatched by even the fastest forms of vehicular transport. In addition to unrivalled speed, many Mercury types are able to pass through solid objects so as to remain unhindered by obstacles in their path. Lastly, most if not all Mercury types have a degree of control over friction allowing whether to reduce it to accelerate or increase it when slowing down. The power level of a MERCURY-type is often gauged by their ingenuity - or by the number they can transport. [b]MINERVA:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'MINERVA' classifier are often the easiest to label - their abilities deal explicitly with the mind, MINERVA-types being pure psychics. While some read minds, others implant suggestions or project thoughts, and the stronger MINVERA-types can move matter with their thoughts, or simply assume direct control of another person's mind and actions. [color=0076a3]A MINERVA-type Hyperhuman has power over the mind. Whether this be to impress their will onto the mind of another or use their mind to manipulate the world around them. [b]SUB-CLASS A: TINIA[/b] The TINIA Sub-Class primarily focusses on internal manipulation of another or oneself. Abilities can include telepathy, emotional manipulation and even astral projection. [b]SUB-CLASS B: UNI[/b] The UNI Sub-Class focusses on the manipulation of the external world using one's mind. Abilities include but are not limited to telekinesis and psionic blasts.[/color] [b]NEPTUNE:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'NEPTUNE' classifier are, in their ways, similar to MARS-types. However, NEPTUNE-types do not possess the sheer scope of a MARS-type - instead, their abilities usually focus on one of the four primal elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth), or the secondary offshoots (Ice, Lightning, Nature, etc.). Most NEPTUNE-types weave fire or bring forth boulders, while others manipulate the weather or coax life from the smallest withered seed. NEPTUNE-types with absolute mastery often wield all four elements like they were limbs, and bring the wrath of the most basic components of the universe down upon their enemies. [b]ORCUS:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'ORCUS' classifier are, quite often, the most paranoia-inducing of Hypes. Most are chameleons, able to change their face and become whomever they desire - but others can change more monstrously, taking on bestial aspects, or alien ones. Whatever an ORCUS-type is capable of doing, it is usually safe to refuse what they initially present themselves as. [b]SATURN:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'SATURN' classifier are, by default, the most powerful, most feared, and most scarce. Their abilities are not as specific as other Hypes, nor are they as wonderful or flashy. Instead, SATURN-types manipulate the very fabric of the cosmos, dipping their hands into the Space/Time Continuum, and moulding it to a shape they see favourable. Some SATURN-types bend time, speeding, slowing and stopping it to their desire, while others simply create matter from thin air, or remove displeasing matter from existence. More commonly, SATURN-types take the form of teleporters, capable of folding space together to travel instantly from one location to another, other create rips in space to bridge together two locations through the use of portals. SATURN-types are few and far between, but given their reputation, most see this as a blessing. [color=0076a3]Unpredictable, the SATURN-type is wide-reaching in its classification of Hyperhumans. Known for being the class of 'Unknowns', Hyperhumans which fall under the SATURN classification are able to bend space and time whether to their will or due to lack of self-control. [b]SUB-CLASS A: FORTUNA[/b] FORTUNA Sub-Class abilities focus on manipulation probability and reality making unlikely outcomes more possible than they normally would have been. [b]SUB-CLASS B: TRIVIA[/b] TRIVIA Sub-Class abilities are focused on manipulating time and space, folding it together, slowing it down and overall manipulating it to their will. Teleportation often falls in this category as it involves instantly travelling from one place to another.[/color] [b]VULCAN:[/b] Hyperhumans designated under the 'VULCAN' classifier are often thought to be a mash of many other Hype classification, but all of them are creators, far more than simple artists or sculptors. They compress matter or manipulate energy to form ethereal shapes and objects that they then manipulate either bodily or mentally, throwing up ghostly walls as solid as the thickest steel, or forming fists that hit almost as hard as an ATLAS-type could. Most VULCAN-types are limited only by the scope of their own imagination, and the strongest create what they believe the world is missing. [color=0076a3]The craftsmen of the Hyperhuman classes, VULCAN-type Hyperhumans are known for their ability to control and wield energy as though it was a weapon forged in their own hands. Divided into two sub-classes, VULCAN-types are perhaps the most widely recognized Hyperhumans outside of ATLAS-types. [b]SUB-CLASS A: MARS[/b] Those who are classified under the MARS Sub-Class are capable of bending the energies that aren't encompassed under the NEPTUNE-Sub-Class. These energies are very broad-ranging from light and sound to gravity and potential energies. More often then not, these Hyperhumans manipulate unseen forces making them especially unpredictable. [b]SUB-CLASS B: NEPTUNE[/b] A NEPTUNE Sub-Class is a manipulator of elemental energies. Capable of warping nature to their will, most of these types of Hyperhumans are limited to only one element, however, there are some who are able to manipulate more and even combine them for devastating effects.[/color][/INDENT]