Guys, I'm really sorry for how long it's taking me to make any judgement calls here. I'm running into problems with my own lack of inspiration at the moment. I can think of several different scenarios, but no way to make that work for a first post. Let me run you through some of the ideas I've had: -Security shows up to raid the base. This doesn't work because that means the breakers would need to switch bases while their current one's barely established. If they didn't, then Security would just continue to hound them. -Some gang shows up in town and the breakers have to deal with it. This doesn't really work because the breakers aren't the type to kick someone out of their territory for just being there ala doomraisers, and if the gang was going to start shit anyway, I might as well have them be at the Breakers' doorstep and save the hassle. Even then it'd come down to me just doing a few quick duels and we're done here. -I could have some of the remnants of the Doomraisers launch a counter-attack after they've bolstered their strength these last two years, but I run into the same problem as the above example. Also, I don't really have a good reason for why they should be doing it now rather than some time in the past closer to the original incident (unless I still set the clock back). -People go to an underground duel ring because they may have a lead on something relevant to them. I feel like if I'm going to do this, it's better saved as a plot point after the first event. There's just nothing I can come up with that I'm satisfied with, even though I should probably stop worrying and just throw one of these at you guys anyway. EDIT: Oh yeah, and reverting the timeline isn't what I'm going to be going with seeing as its a 50/50 split and we kinda settled on 'being in a gang' for the setting.