That made much more sense.. her wanting to get back to her sister for that reason. It didn't sit well with Lucien to leave things as they were if there was a possibility they might abandon their other child. To this day the human's refusal to accept those that weren't what they considered normal still baffled him. [color=burlywood]"I see.. it seems your sister is likely a different type of psychic... She could probably get away with hiding this for a while. We will do our best to help you find her."[/color] He told her, before glancing over at Faolan. [color=burlywood]"For now.. it might be best to at least get a clue as to where they might have gone. It seems the home was sold to the bank. There's a chance I might be able to inquire some information from them."[/color] He said a little pensively. He was aware of his own.. persuasiveness, and this was a situation in which it would be best to make the most of it.