[hr][hr] [center] [h2][color=004d00]Matthew Moss[/color][/h2] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/59d18f9cebc69c262c6390cd99712f38/tumblr_inline_plob3sInzQ1toj5hy_540.gif[/img] Location: Cardiff castle -> Prision Skills: Paralysis Inducement, Jack-of-all-trades (guns), weapon specialization (handguns), weapon proficiency [/center] [hr][hr] Matt was stunned as the fight increased. Thanos' people were terrifying. He was had to be honest with himself there. As Oliver was tossed like, Matt didn't even have a good simile for whatever it was that Oliver was like. His mind was too busy trying to assess what needed to be done. He and the group heading for Thane needed to get through the portal and Strange was in danger. The best option Matt could think of was paralyzing the woman hurting him. Dashing to her Matt reached out and touched her, as he tried to send the energy within him that paralyzed people he struggled. He didn't use this power often. He preferred his guns. She took advantage of his slowness and reached out there was a loud crack. He screamed. This was not going well. Matt then bit down on the pain. Having a broken limb would make a lot of what he did nearly impossible. He took a few breaths trying to keep the pain under control. They were in deep. He moved for the opening Strange was holding. At least one of them had to be on the other side. Though he doubted he could take the guy who had tossed Oliver around so easily. He shot at the Squidward looking, guy. His bullet nailed the guy in the neck, and blood started spurting out everywhere. Matt held back some vomit, from the pain. There was no way that guy could survive that shot. Matt had hit him in the carotid. He should be dead in moments. Matt made his way through the portal. This was where Thane was and only Strange could open portals.