Lucien was glad his suggestion had been accepted. He knew how Faolan could get when it came to talking to authorities like that, but he was a bit more used to doing such things. They headed for the bank, and Lucien was the one who went inside, finding it best he handle the situation alone. He had spent a good amount of time inside, partially making polite conversation with the man, but also inquiring on what it was he wanted to know. Luckily the man wasn't too hard to get information from. It seems it had been a particularly slow day and he didn't mind the conversation. He had even commented on how odd it was that they were so desperate to sell their home. He hadn't been able to get information on where they had gone, but he had at least been able to get an address that they chose to redirect their mail to. [color=burlywood]"Thank you so much for all your help, I do hope you have a good day."[/color] He said with a small nod, before he left to go back to the bus and share the information he had found. [color=burlywood]"Sorry it took so long. The man quite enjoyed conversation."[/color] He said as he came inside. [color=burlywood]"I didn't get the location of where they planned to move, but I do have the address they gave for their mail. It gives us somewhere to start. I assume it's a relative of yours. Perhaps they were willing to tell them a little bit more of where they were going."[/color] He told Illyana upon his return, handing her the paper he had been given.