[quote][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] Riley's electricity is dampened by the emotional-fields and they aren't as effective against the Extra-Normal. There's also a certain amount of electricity that Riley can hold at a time and going over that limit is... not going to be pretty. It'll cause her to explode with electricity and she'll be injured in the process. She also can't hold electricity for a long period of time and has to offload it after an hour or else she'll injure herself. Riley's ability has a range of around thirty feet because her electrical attacks have difficulty traveling. There's also the matter of non-conductive materials interfering with her abstraction. [b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] Water is the bane of Riley's existence. If she's wet or touching water then the charge will be transferred to the water - which will burn her. It generally just interferes with her ability as she won't be able to direct it the way that she wants to. Riley constantly builds up a static charge. A static charge that is transferred to the next part or person she touches. Which is something she has little control over (unless she transfers the shock to something harmless). Riley can easily fry any electronic that she touches and that'll often be her cellphone. [/quote] [@Ratattack] Accepted.