The song came to an end as George and Arthur started talking about their mutual acquaintance with Eleanor and her family, along with Arthur's own connection to Matilda three years ago in Bath. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the incident transpire and Miss Farr fall to the floor. Almost immediately all eyes was on Matilda, with even some of the musicians pausing to see what had transpired. As her daughter failed to stand, George quickly made his way to Matilda, with the Colonel and Bradford following behind him. As Mr Farr bent down to help his daughter, onlookers slowly crowded in to get a better look. Arthur couldn’t help but notice a fervent muttering and quiet giggles from the growing crowd. The two men who appear to be the source of the commotion just stood their shocked. Probably more stunned at the young brunette chastising their foolishness rather than the consequences of what they had done. Seeing that the young woman wasn’t going to get up on her own, Major Bradford took the initiative and turned to the two men. [b]“Well don’t just stand there, go fetch Miss Farr a seat.”[/b] He snapped and then turned his attention to his companion. [b]“Go call for Miss Farr’s carriage immediately.”[/b] The two of them remained where they stood. [b]“Excuse me, but who do you think you are?”[/b] the sturdier of the two responded. Arthur stiffened in anger. [b]“You fool. Look at what you have done,”[/b] spat Arthur, as he motioned to Matilda. He clenched his fist in anger. [b]“You have embarrassed Miss Farr in front of her peers, and you have the audacity to stand and watch like a blithering fool. How dare you call yourself a man and then show outward display of dishonor to this woman who has caused you no harm.”[/b] The two men went from shock to be rebuked by a stranger, to anger to be mocked so openly. The larger of the two opened his mouth to respond but paused momentarily as he saw several more Officers make their way to the commotion. Conceding defeat, the two of them left humiliated to fetch a seat and call the carriage. Arthur took a step back as the chair was delivered and Matilda was helped onto the seat by her Father and Alice. As he calmed himself down, he just wanted to disappear into the crowd. “[b]That could have gone better,”[/b] the Colonel whispered in his ear as Arthur stood by his side.