[CENTER] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/pr-viking-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200417/45dcab4b6d3a4b52427f3374787835bc.png[/img][/url][/CENTER] Finn breathed the salty sea air as he steered his ship to the Villiage of Hallasholm. He had gotten a message saying he had been chosen along with a few others to make a raiding group. Finn whistler heartily as the wind blew his sail at full run and soon be could see the docks of Hallasholm. Docking his ship larboard side Finn waited till the ropes were securely tied anchoring his prize and joy the [i]Wolfwind[/i] to the dock. Stepping off of his boat Finn left his sword and shield on his ship but carried his seax in its familiar horizontal scabbard that rested across the back of his hips in which Finn could easily draw it in a reverse grip. Walking to the scheduled meeting place, the town's local inn Finn decided to buy a drink using three of the fifteen coins of silver he had. After having a nice refreshing cup of mead Finn sat back and waited for his shieldmates to come in.