[center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e6/d6/6e/e6d66e8004493a208ff67031dcba235d.gif[/img] [I]Location: Motel 6 - Greensboro, North Carolina Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=yellow]"Sleep well Leda."[/color] Kristin said as she watched the girl flop onto one of the single beds, she looked over at Zeke for a moment and shook her head slightly. [color=yellow]"I'd imagine she'd kill you in the most painful way possible."[/color] She said as she set her pack down on the bed and did a little bit of unpacking, before making her way into the bathroom once Zeke was done. She did a quick shower, and then left the bathroom turning off the lights. She brought the covers over herself and closed her eyes rolling over to her side and fell asleep rather quickly for the night when the dream started. The three of them would find themselves in what looked to be a big stage of some kind, Marsyas was standing on stage with [url=https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/58aoDaXfMaN6BwsYR3hkaBX28lnJ58Jd7jkb--EXTn48YLkj8OWCfZe0DK1n1QtYymmUEgcJxjwQddPwS_7oH93Ubx6SXGeZPfXRu4_XMBfw358NtT9ybBN9JUf2qR8LMhpYfXHOBReHLphrbf-8juaP0Bn-XUKzdCGN8cZQO4ksLQapUJrUNoRqCGk-bFap6A=w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu]Calliope[/url] bound to a chair. There were a few monsters in the background as well hoping to watch a show, as Marsyas spoke. "Apollo aint going to save you, and without you there to judge his little competition with Hermes it'll be an easy win and it'll be incredibly humiliating for him!" He said cackling, and looked towards the monsters that were inside of the building. "They will probably be sending some half-bloods soon, so slow them down or do whatever you want to them make sure that they don't find us." Marsyas said, before getting the feeling that he was being watched and looked at the three of them, before the dream suddenly ended. Kristin quickly woke up and looked over at Leda and Zeke for a moment before making her way into the bathroom to get herself changed and ready to go for the day.