[centre][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjM1NjQ4OC5TY096Y25WdWJpQk53NkZzWjJWcGNuTnpiMjQsLjA,/onciale-phf.regular.png[/img][/centre] It had been his father who had come to him with the news of an upcoming raid, but it was his uncle who had told him to enlist so he could make a name for himself. Iórunn had agreed with his uncle. It was about time that he proved himself. While his father was a respected skáld, and he had earned his way to Valhalla through tellings of the gods, he himself knew that he’d never earn a place in the Halls of Odin like that. - No, he had to go out there and earn it through sweat and blood. And it was so that he found himself in an unfamiliar town and an unfamiliar mead hall. He was a long way from home, having traveled along the trader’s routes by horse - which he sold the moment he arrived in town. There was no way back, he had told himself. The ship, named The Wolfwind, had already been docked and gentle swayed on the waves. It was hard to forget a sight of such a great vessel. A vessel on which he would travel and raid with his Shieldbrothers and -sisters. As of now, Iórunn was seated near the bar, back resting against the wall as he observed his surroundings and tried to find Finnleik Oronson among the gathering crowd. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure who to look for. A man, that he knew. A man with a ship. So as his eyes still roamed the mead hall, looking at the individual faces, he brought his drinking horn to his lips and took a swig of mead. The taste was welcoming. The feeling of it warming his chest even more so. It was then that his eyes were caught by a man who loudly declared that he’d be part of the raids. Well, at least he had found one of his Shieldmates. After a moment of reconsidering, Iórunn approached. “[color=steelblue]Skål![/color]” he raised his horn and flashed him a smile. Compared to the other, Iórunn supposed that he looked very much like a whelp. This man had clearly seen more battles than himself. It didn’t matter since he was sure that he’d prove himself on the upcoming voyage. Besides, it would be good to have an experienced warrior at his side, he thought as he subconsciously ran his fingers over the fletchings of his arrows.“[color=steelblue]I admire your confidence, friend. I take that you’re here for The Wolfwind as well?[/color]” “[color=steelblue]The name is Iórunn.[/color]” [hr] [right][@Sanity43217][/right]