Alfaru continued to watch the boy, trying to figure out what he was up to. Something about the child's actions seemed off, and the more Alfaru watched him, the more curious he became. A gust of wind came up, and Alfaru bent his head down and lifted his arm to shield his face, but not before he got hit with a large amount of dust, causing him to release a few hacking coughs and one very loud sneeze to relieve his body of the unwanted particles. The noise of his coughing and sneezing was so loud, Alfaru was sure the boy had heard, and he glanced back toward the child to see if the boy had taken notice of his spy. He then noticed something in the opposite direction out of the corner of his eye, and he looked back to see all three of his traveling companions had decided to follow him. He made no attempt to hide the look of exasperation on his face, but he did bite back his response to the mountain elf's charge of them looking suspicious, not wishing to give the child any further opportunities to find out that he was being watched. Speaking of the child, Alfaru turned his attention back toward the mountains to see if the child had indeed taken notice of them, or if he had left while Alfaru's back was turned, or if something else entirely had transpired while Alfaru had been otherwise occupied.