[hider=nerd] [hr][center][color=mediumpurple][b]General[/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=mediumpurple]Name:[/color] "Nuungat" [color=mediumpurple]Gender:[/color] Non-binary [color=mediumpurple]Age:[/color] 31 [color=mediumpurple]Race:[/color] Phuvata [color=mediumpurple]Ship Role:[/color] Navigator [hr][center][color=mediumpurple][b]Appearance[/b][/color][/center][hr] Impressively tall yet somehow unimposing, Nuungat is delicate both in body and mannerisms. Xe is dark-skinned and dark-haired, with light purple eyes. Xe tends to wear scarves or shawls that match xir eyes, though otherwise xe keeps xir outfits plain and simple, sometimes supplemented with a thin military sword. Xir horns are small and curled, and somewhat asymmetrical, though xe bears them proudly. Xe also likes to wear braids in xir hair. Xir relationship with jewelry is complicated. [hr][center][color=mediumpurple][b]Personality[/b][/color][/center][hr] Though initially shy and reserved, Nuungat is friendly and sociable to those who try to get to know xir. It's abundantly clear that xe struggles with self-confidence, suppressing xir wants and opinions, though xe makes a good effort to overcome or at least hide it. Xe doesn't like to talk about xirself, but will listen eagerly to what others have to say. Because of xir receptiveness and propensity to remain neutral in most situations, Nuun makes a natural mediator. In xir own time, Nuungat is a zealous scholar. When asked about xir studies, xe avoids the topic, conversation, or even the interrogator entirely, though nosier people will notice that the things Nuun studies are just normal subjects - technology, history, astronomy. Xe also knows a lot about the Celastin faith, though celebrates no holidays. Xe will participate when invited, though. [hr][center][color=mediumpurple][b]Background[/b][/color][/center][hr] Nuungat was one of the earliest members of the Fornacis, though wasn't always the navigator. Xe doesn't like it when people bring up xir past, though it can be gathered that xe spent a fair amount of time both in Yuncay and in Ortzi. If asked about it, xe will dismiss xir childhood as uneventful, and claim instead that xir years on the Fornacis were much more impactful. Though of course, xe doesn't talk about this, either. During the Fornacis' final voyage, xe was stricken with Ysir's curse, and was unable to participate in the final battle atop the Cloud Spire. When the captain fell into her coma, Nuun was one of the first to leave. Xe disappeared with barely a farewell, and didn't take to the skies again. [/hider]