[color=f5a9b8]Time:[/color] 5:32 PM [color=f5a9b8]Location[/color] Campus Commons; Welcome Banquet [color=f5a9b8]Interactions:[/color] Naomi [@canaryrose] and Echo [@Amethyst] mentions Mia [@VampireOracle] Aaliyah looked down upon the two high schoolers and kind of just shook her and smiled. Echo clearly was a trouble maker and knew how to "fake it to you make it" but poor Naomi had clearly been roped into a plan that she had no real chance of hiding her involvement if someone caught her. Aaliyah looked back up towards the struggling Phoenix trying to bring things into order and her smile turned to a smirk before she turned back towards the two high schoolers before her to speak. [color=f5a9b8]"Oh do not worry, I don't think either of you two did anything. After all, Naomi is a upstanding member of the debate team."[/color] grinned Aaliyah, her tone being a lighter and happy one. [color=f5a9b8]"I also do not think Naomi would hang out with a troublemaker, so you must be a good person to, Echo."[/color] Aaliyah winked at the two high schoolers, as if she knew something was up but was not willing to call out either of them for what was going on. Aaliyah turned her attentions towards the cheerleader she understood to be Mia Zhong, with a small horde of other cheerleaders and students following behind her helping to locate the many buzzing alarm clocks around the field. She began walking towards the crowd, beckoning for Echo and Naomi to follow her. [color=f5a9b8]"Come on, we should help them. After all, we represent the school as members of the debate team. And as funny as it must be to see your brother knocked down a few pegs, you should help him out Echo."[/color] spoke Aaliyah.