[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uurhDHh.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/HtvPRRx.png[/img][/center]The roar of the machine and the thundering bellows it left behind trailed every which way wherever “Kanbaru” twisted and turned. Saddled on the bike of destruction with every intent to go wild with mayhem, the draped figured snickered and smirked beneath her respirator. Indeed, no one worth their salt could see through the disguise as far as she was concerned, nor would they have time to. “Kanbaru” zoomed past most police bots, bike tearing up the roads behind her in a streak of fire and ghastly flame. No sooner did she round another bend did she force all her weight backwards against the vehicle. The bike popped with a wheely, “Kanbaru” nearly raising her bike completely off the ground as she almost slammed directly into the side of a building. At the last moment, she forced all her momentum backwards as well, pulling the motorcycle with her until it was climbing up the side of the building. Defying gravity, the bike sent shrapnel and shattered glass every which way as she tore through the building’s side, riding along without care or mercy. She faintly heard some zealot preach about jail cells followed by the sound of explosions, but it mattered little except for spurning her on in jealousy. How [b][i]dare[/i][/b] she be out staged? From this high up and constantly in motion, surely no one could notice “Kanbaru” wasn’t quite herself. Nor would they have much time to note she barely even used her ice for traction. Instead, two guns slid into her hands before firing off shots in random directions, cackling all the while. Such bullets instantly warped and twisted the world slightly wherever they flew, air coiled around itself like a glitch as they made their mark. Wherever they hit, great explosions of fire burst out from them, smoke starting to fill the air. “Kanbaru” hardly quivered in her cackles even among the choking hazards. Meanwhile, the real Kanbaru was busy committing what was, in her eye, the truest crime of all. There was little theatrics involved, especially when all the noise and light shows were happening outside the building’s walls. Even so, one would have thought the administration building would have had some form of security inside it, some presence of life. But in all the buildings, even the one where Caprice idly explored, there was little sign of anyone. Naturally, it made Kanbaru’s life easier in comparison and indeed, following the directions and obligatory building labels would lead her to the records room. The only mishappen event were some lights that flickered sporadically, casting the building in shadow for brief instances. Truly, the greatest crime taking place was the school avoiding any electrical bills. All the same, once Kanbaru reached the records room, she was to be greeted by…nothing. Nothing at all. The space looked as ordinary as any from her own school back in Miso City. The only item worth any interest however was a picture hanging above a desk with folders; probably the graduation diplomas she sought. The painting stared back at her with a gentle expression, the visage of a nun sharing a small smile. The holy lady’s face was shrouded by the front of her outfit, leaving only her smile visible. Such spiritual imagery was sure enough strange for an establishment of crime and debauchery, though the school was run by at least some form of an angel. Either way, the painting was settled just above where Kanbaru needed to look. [hr]