"Oh right, haha. My name is Mari. Hence my screen name Mari0." She smiled at the two of them before letting out a huge yawn. She was still exhausted from the all nighter that she pulled the night before. She picked up her soda and glugged the whole thing down, afterwards letting out a sigh of relief. It may not be Red Bull, but at least it had caffeine. Mari went silent and started shifting uncomfortably in her seat. It was weird meeting not just one, but two online friends in the same day. She didn't even know they lived in the same state, let alone close enough to where they could all meet up at the same mall. Not to mention the fact that these guys were the only other people that she'd seen in the city so far today. She wondered if they had the same lingering feeling of dread that she did. That maybe they were the only people left. That something terrible might have happened to their city, or that there were worse things yet to come.