[center] [hr][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/imkS7ul.jpg[/img] [h3]S a n d o E v e n i n g[/h3] [hr][hr] Hawke listened as the woman explained that her name was Karissa and that he need not bother asking her about her abilities. Hawke didn't like her attitude and didn't seem impressed by her magic abilities. Hawke scowled a bit and crossed his arms as she told him that she'd watch their back. He grunted and nodded. The Runner looked to Skahn as it asked if they'd be riding or walking the desert. Hawke motioned to the boga. [b]"We'll be riding but if you aren't comfortable on a boga you can join the other veteran on the schooner"[/b] he explained. As though on cue, Torvin appeared and was being tailed by another unfamiliar face. A person in full plate armor. MAGIC plate armor from what Hawke's half fae eyes could see. It seemed it was magic designed with the intent to protect. If he had to guess, it was to protect against the heat of the desert. Hawke motioned for Torvin to approach and spoke with the dwarf as the other runners began to clamor and get familiar with one another. While they spoke, Hawke needed to come up with a plan for the group. [b]"So, we are travelling through Ruk to the Southern Barrier and making our way towards Crescent Moon Canyon. I think it's wise that we split into two teams. One team will ride aboard the schooner and aid the crew and one team will ride boga to provide interference IF we come under attack. I think you should be aboard the schooner with those you deem worthy"[/b] he commented. Torvin listened and nodded as the dwarf looked to Hawke and replied. [b][i]"Seems smart to me. Did you have anyone in mind?"[/i][/b] he asked. Hawke nodded towards Skahn and Torvin looked as though he didn't like that idea. [b]"I know, you aren't a fan of zitan but it can't ride boga, it can't fly, but it's strong. Tell me that it doesn't belong on the schooner"[/b] Hawke challenged. Torvin grunted and looked at the zitan. [b][i]"Do you trust it?"[/i][/b] Torvin asked. Hawke looked at Skahn and nodded. [b]"He's big but he seems harmless enough. He understands common so that is a saving grace"[/b] he said. Torvin grunted and nodded. Hawke nodded as well and whistled to get the attention of the runners. [b]"Alright! Gather round everyone! Some of you may know me, some of you don't. My name is Hawke, this is Torvin. We are the veteran runners for this mission. We have been recruited to escort a dune schooner from Sando, into Ruk, and through the Southern Barrier to Crescent Moon Canyon to deliver much needed supplies to the dig site there"[/b] he began. Hawke took a moment to let that sit in as he than continued. [b]"Torvin will be in charge of a team that will ride aboard the schooner, I will take those who are fine enough riders to mount up and ride with the schooner. For now, only one have you have been specifically chosen to ride the schooner. Skahn, you are with Torvin. For now, the rest have a chance to step forward and volunteer for which team you prefer. Those of you who wish to ride with Torvin, please step forward now"[/b] he asked quietly as he crossed his arm and waited for a moment [hr] [sup]H e a l t h : ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 100% E f f e c t s : None W i t h : Karissa, Asante, Iyana, Skahn, August, Torvin N o t e s : None M e n t i o n s : [@stone] [@Araby264] [@6slyboy6] [@Yankee] [@Andreyich][/sup] [hr][/center]