[b] "Can you feel it?"[/b] "Yes Father, do stop flapping. It's just a twist." [b]"You're a Doctor now, are you, Tilly?" [/b] The young woman giggled at her Father's teasing, before attempting to stand up again. George went to object, but it was needless. Matilda had worked out how to distribute her weight so that she could atleast hold her own. It wasn't what one might call comfortable, but it was bearable. [b]"I should track your Mother down, and then we can all leave. Have you any idea where she is?"[/b] Matilda glanced around and shook her head, "No, but she wont thank you for disturbing her. She's most likely with Mrs Thompson." The pair were frightful gossips when they got together. They wound each other up the wrong way constantly. It was an infuriating spectacle to behold. [B]"Well Henry then. I shall find Henry.." [/b] "Father, I am fine..I shall just stay until you're all ready to leave." [b]"You look frightfully pale for a person that claims themselves to be fine.." [/b]