[@Crusader Lord][@Ascendant] Hey, glad to have you two back ^^ As for the Crowe, well, you know that I adored them for their quirky rain dances. Hopefully this time around they can get further into the story. At the same time, if you do use them they wills till have to be tailored around the traits system (or not, technically you can leave it as default. By why *wouldn't* you haha) This time around I'll definitely settle for even like 3-4 players, as long as we can get people who are passionate about it. Who knows, maybe Klom can join in later once he finds something he likes, hehe Edit: I might just jump in if that's the case, and then I'l get the added benefit of more directly interacting with my lovely players. But let's hope we get a few more people interested. Until then, off to photoshop and excel spreadsheet world for me, cause I gotta get those traits and tech trees up for the RP :lol