[@Crusader Lord] Indeed, I was excited to see what they were going to develop into! Make some totem poles and worship it in order to get some rain, haha I'm sure that you can come up with something amazing if you try and get a new one as well :D And if I were to make a race, I'd definitely want them to be little stealing bastards who steal your stuff and then sell it back to your for a profit. Totally not Javas from Star Wars :lol On a serious note, I am not sure what I'd actually go with. Maybe some not-Florans who have a quirk of needing these mother tree/flower saplings to replenish their life force from, so whenever they move to a new place they have to carry these saplings around with themselves. That seems like a cool idea, but idk yet. There are just SO many things to do in the limits of the RP when I start thinking about cool ideas and what they could look like later down the line X3