THEODORE He looked at the girl, a raised eyebrow when she corrected him about her name. He knew she was familiar but wasn't exactly sure of from where he knew her. However, that wasn't the point. [b]"Well... Jemma. Starting from today you are my new assistant. You see, the last one... Well... He didn't last. If you get what I mean."[/b], he's already too used to students giving up. It's not that he totally hates his students, however, they live in a world where creatures that once were thought to be simple fiction are true, and the knowledge they get in these class could either save their lives or sentence it to and early end if one of his students thought themselves to know enough to deal with those creatures on their on just based on the few tidbits about the cryptids that can be found in books. [b]"So... First thing first: I need coffee. Do you know how to get to the teachers' lounge? Grab me some coffee and then come back here, I'll be waiting in my office."[/b] Theo pointed the door behind him at his right, [b]"Try not to take too long."[/b], he didn't give her much of a choice before getting his stuff and heading to said door. His office was an utter mess. Mismatched bookshelves filled the space full to brim with books, some looked new others too old to be safe to handle. The windowsill was also covered in books and some curious objects he collected over the years, The only picture in the whole room was on top of his desk, a young woman with black hair and eyes identicals to his, it was one of his sisters and he only kept the framed photo because she had threatened him otherwise. Other than that his office was... Cosy. Maybe it was the colour scheme, with rich dark reds and maroons, the dark wood furniture, or perhaps it was thanks to the sunset light filtering through the big windows.