[center][hr][h2]Venus[/h2][hr][/center] >[@Jasper19] [@Bria The Human] [b]"Wait where are you guys going?"[/b] Venus heard a feminine voice call out behind her so she paused then turn on her bike saddle and saw another girl who didn't look like a skeeze but cute and harmless which if she was okay around the Board punks then they must be okay so she relaxed. [color=4FA1BE]"Hello I was telling this boy I think I know the shrine the bell came from and that he could follow me; it reminded me of the Nakashimi Inari Shrine. It has a large ōgane (Hanging bell) which has a deep resonance allowing the sound to carry over great distances; a large bonshō can be heard up to 20 kilometres. We hear it at the School sometimes and we are maybe 8 kilometers away"[/color] Says Venus in a much friendlier and trusting tone to the other girl [color=4FA1BE]"My name is Venus and if you want you can follow me. It might not be quite were I remember seeing it but the mountains over ….. "[/color] Venus trails off as first she see's a light beam descend from the sky and bathe the roof of the shrine as if to say here it is but what she sees next makes her drop her bike and almost fall as she trips over it. [color=4FA1BE]"The sky's all wrong"[/color] she says in a shocked half hearted tone