[center][hr][h2]Yumi[/h2][hr][/center] Yumi watched the sky for a few moments puzzled at what she saw then she sighed thinking to herself ~The sky will be here after I cleanse the Haiden (hall of worship) floors~ So she grabbed her clearing tools and was soon back to work. It was hard work and it was her duties alone as Miko and the only person that now worked full time at the shrine but she was the last in her line and must keep the Nakashimi Inari Shrine open and in her family. She'd seen what happened to the shrines taken over by the Government; they were turned into tourist attractions and the government administrators didn't care whether those they decided on were good priests so long as they fit what the current ones thought a Shinto priest should look like. She ran across the floors bent over pushing the polishing rag in a hurry knowing if she were to make the sacred place keep running she had to get to work doing her Calligraphy requests which because hers was considered a Master's work paid well enough that she might take a vacation in Okinawa after seeing the bills paid.