THEODORE The surprise was clear to see in his eyes. [b]"What an interesting surprise, coffee girl. You know... I need to find a nickname for you..."[/b], that ending was said more to himself. He's awful with names, especially when taking into account the number of students he had, [b]"If I just keep calling you coffee girl the other Professors will once again accuse me of bullying my students."[/b], he said that as if he's an angel being falsely accused, [b]"But back to your previous degree... Behavioural Science. Are there any papers you wrote in your field that I could read? You already became interesting, Ms... Pine? Prince? Price? God, I'm awful with names. There's too many to remember."[/b], he was referring to students in general. He got up and went to one of the various mismatched bookshelves taking a hardcover book and going back to where the coffee girl was seated, giving her the book, [b]"This is where my research started. Your class is currently studying hematophagous. So perhaps you'll find this to be of help. I have... Let's say a friend. That's acquainted with some of the members of that community, and that friend helped me get some information and statements that you can find in this paper. Is far from everything about them, but enough to answer some questions about them from a sociological point of view. I'll be assigning that reading to you on top of what's already in your curriculum. I need you up to where I am at my current research. Any questions so far?"[/b] He was trying to not scare her too much on her first day, night, as his assistant. [b]"Did you got any coffee for yourself?"[/b] he only remembered to ask after he finished his own. Maybe he should be a bit more mindful about others... Nah. [b]"You know... I notice that I hardly ever heard your voice during class. You don't ask questions or talk to your classmates. So now, I'll be the one asking you some of my own. What are your thoughts on the subject we are discussing in class?"[/b]