[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=a187be]🌈 Leda Storm 🌈[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/W3g42crG/tumblr-pkkvhg-Pe-V71vmjs6wo3-500.gif[/img][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Motel 6 - Greensboro, North Carolina [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] Driving (Car) [hr][hr][/center] Leda thought about it for a moment. She doubted that Marysas would move Calliope. He struck her as the self assured type, the sort of douchebag that would waltz around claiming they had [i]swagger[/i]. [color=a187be]"Either way, Backdoor Comedy is a good starting point... He's probably counting on having his goons kill us. I dunno about you two, but he seemed pretty rotten and acted like the sort of self assured arse who wouldn't think he'd [i]need[/i] to move the Muse."[/color] Briefly, she wondered whether Calliope was the muse that oversaw comedy. Her mind quickly reminded her though that that was Thalia - not to be confused with the famous daughter of Zeus. [color=a187be]"Maybe you should take a kip in the truck, see if you find out anything else."[/color] She glanced at Zeke, as Kristin had left to go check them out of the room. She grabbed her things, having shoved most of her stuff back into her bag already. She traveled relatively light. Kristin had her magic compass, yet Ultraviolet was secure around her neck in pendant form. Leda left the room just a few minutes after Kristin had, heading out to the truck. She unlocked it with her keys, having to manually insert them into the driver's side door, since it didn't have a handy fob to use. [color=a187be]"I'm thinking we can make a stop in Atlanta,"[/color] Leda suggested to the daughter of Athena. [color=a187be]"I can [i]maybe[/i] get us to Houston tonight, but it's more likely to be tomorrow since I can't switch off driving."[/color] The engine roared to life as she inserted the key into the ignition. Leda fiddled through the radio stations, waiting for Zeke to emerge from the motel and get in.