[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200122/e953ebd7baa8b50eccbebc557e8aa65b.png[/img] [@PlatinumSkink] [hider=Inventory] Items: 1x Potion, 5 pokeballs, mandolin, sketch pad and graphite pencils, Pokemon Egg Pokédollars: 1,500p. [/hider] [hider=Roster] [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/4/4c/554Darumaka.png/240px-554Darumaka.png[/img] Pokémon Name: Cecil Species: Darumaka Gender: ♀ Type: Fire Level: 5 Moves: Rollout, Tackle, Incinerate Ability: Hustle Held Item: None [/hider] [/center] Well, he should have guessed that asking a teacher for an answer was going to be vague as hell though he can't necessarily blame her considering its meant to encourage kids to explore and find out on their own. Still, he at least knew what to look for.[color=8882be]"Actually, yeah, I will. Thanks for the info, miss."[/color] Basil said ever so politely before he and Cecil walked back to the patch of grass where he placed his bags. Okay he said that he would explore, but really, where would he start? Basil scratched the side of his head thinking when a thought came to him; baby Pokemon probably require more food than others since they are at their lowest stage in their evolutionary line and are growing. It was very likely that this Pokemon was foraging for food though that was just a wild guess on his part. For all he knew it could just be playing around somewhere without a care in the world. Still, it was at least a starting point. Pokemon are still food motivated too. [color=8882be]"Alright Cecil, here's the plan. We're gonna look around for places that have food, but low enough to the ground for it to access it...Unless it can climb trees, then look up if you hear anything weird."[/color] She did not even respond to him; her gaze was too focused on the bag of food. Basil could only roll his eyes and chuckle. [color=8882be]"Alright, alright."[/color] He crouched down to hand her a sandwich, much to her eager pleasure. [color=ed1c24]"Dar!"[/color] Sandwich in one happy Darumaka's hand, the duo began their plan to explore the park for places that a baby Pokemon could graze. If that doesn't work, they have a bag full of sandwiches as potential bait, but that would have been a last resort.