Arthur glared at the onlookers in content; even after the initial commotion the crowd did not disperse. [i]Were their lives so dull and so meaningless, that a young woman spraining her ankle has suddenly become the talk of the evening [/i] thought Arthur. The Colonel, overhearing the exchange between Mr Farr and his Daughter, stepped forward to interject. [b]“Mr Farr, I’m sure it would be of no inconvenience for my Major to escort Miss Farr home. We are strangers and guests here, and will not be missed like yourself and young Henry. Unless of course Miss Farr has no objections?”[/b] The Colonel asked glancing down at Matilda. As he asked, one of the men that had caused the scene motioned to Arthur that the Carriage had arrived from the near by stable and ready to depart. [b]“No not at all. It would be a pleasure to escort Miss Farr[/b],” He replied as he motioned for the young brunette to assist Matilda. Not wanting to cause further embarrassment and feed the gossips further ammunition by carrying the blonde to the carriage.