JULES FLOGGING MOLLY 6:47 PM Dr. Wilson pushed the door open to the old tavern... bar... diner...place, and gave a small wave to the colleagues she recognized. She sat down at a nearby available seat and tucked took a moment to request the bar's cheapest wine. She didn't need it to taste good. "I heard that it was a success. I haven't seen the full report but... I hope that silvered iodine was helpful to you, agents." She looked at Dorian with a smile and an empty-handed toasting gesture. "You know, in Czechoslovakia we often celebrate these kinds of successes with a round of cheek scrapings. You wanna go first, Dorian?" At this point, Dr. Wilson's interest in obtaining a DNA sample from Dorian was well known enough that it had evolved into more of a running joke than anything else. Once her wine arrived, Dr. Wilson leaned back and took on her usual stance of being an outsider observing someone else's group of friends. She was a consultant, and not on for every case. It wasn't every day they managed to get tissue off one of these things, let alone get permission to demo a new compound.