THEODORE The smirk on his face grew when he noticed how red her face could get. [b]"With all due respect, love. It's not my fault that most of the students that come to my class think of themselves as unique snowflakes and tends to romanticize the cryptids. I just point the truth to them."[/b], Theo knows deep down that he's a great S.O.B., but he wouldn't admit to that, [b]"Unfortunately, most of the students choose this degree because they are enamoured with some of the concepts about those creatures, like the girl asking earlier if vampires are good. What I learned about vampires is that speaking from a human moral ground, they would be seen as monsters. However, when taking into account that they are not human anymore the idea of bad and good, right and wrong have to be thrown away, the only thing you can know for sure is that they are dangerous. Newborns have too little control to be safe to be around, and the older ones that have more control over their natures starts to lose the grasp on their humanity. That girl... She probably spent her high school life reading fantasy-teenagery books with vampire, werewolves and witches being used as romantic targets or whatever. And she would probably wish to become one and ended up in some deep shit because of her lack of common sense. I just saved myself the headache of having to deal with her stupidity for the rest of the semester, you should be thanking me."[/b] Hearing about her research got his interest, [b]"Thanks, love, I would appreciate if you did."[/b], he said, [b]"You have my e-mail, right?"[/b], he's pretty sure he gave it to his students so they could send him their papers and stuff. At least she was just going to go home, if she had to go to work or had any plans he, unfortunately, would have to work around her schedule sometimes [b]"Well, then let me warn you that some times I may require your assistance in some odd hours, and even, days. However, it will always be research or work-related and not just to piss you off."[/b], pissing her off was simply a perk of having an assistant, [b]"And I believe you to be right, at least in parts, regarding vampires. Their society is truly a complex one and they have their own laws and their way of enforcing it. And some groups of them have, as a goal, to keep their humanity no matter how hard it is. I'm not saying they are good or better than other vampires. Some of them can be true monsters even while holding tight to their humanity, after all, there are monsters among humans too, right?"[/b], he said making himself even more comfortable on his armchair, [b]"Yeah... The Kiss Cult."[/b], he holds a great distaste for the group, but it biased since he blames them for the way Caron is now, [b]"I heard that their leaders are still hooked up on that weird religion about the 'Old Blood' or something of that sort. I've been trying to dig some info, but they keep that to themselves, not even their [i]pets[/i] and [i]donors[/i] know all that much about that."[/b]