The scene had shifted dramatically to Orion. From the insane Duke's ramblings and Morbius' accusations to this quaint man offering them a drink in their well stocked library. He noticed the Sister scanning the isles of books, though it would be impossible to read the titles from where they stood. The Chamberlain approached them with their glasses and handed one to Annika and even one to Ragnar. When he made it to Orion, the Knight just looked at the man. "Before we continued, I would like to know what the duke plans to do about the raiders to the west." He said sternly, still not having reached for the glass. Chamberlain Engel cleared his throat. "Forgive me for saying, but that is not entirely your business sir Pentecost-" "The Empire and it's citizens are my business." He challenged. "-But I will tell you, regardless." He finished, and presented the drink. Orion took it after a moment's hesitation, taking a hearty sip as the Chamberlain relayed the information that the peasants would be kept within the walls of the chapel during the attack, with military forces responding swiftly. That satisfied Orion and the Sister Annika, though Ragnar's face was unreadable. Deiter changed the subject. "Now, as to why you are here," He declared, reaching to his belt to produce a rolled up piece of parchment. With a professional air, he unrolled the glorified scroll and laid it upon one of the leisure desks, where the Duke and his courtiers likely read and drank their expensive liquors in peace. Upon the parchment was a map of the area, with varying notes on noted enemy strength and possible paths leading to their base camp. "Do you not have the information on a screen?" The Sister asked incredulously. "We do, but nothing portable. This is what you will take. Keep it safe." "We have only been told they are pagans defying the Duke's rule. Are they Vuldrok raiders, or other barbarians?" Orion asked, eyebrow raised. On his second sip, the glass he held was empty, the contents now sliding down within his massive chest. The darkly clad Chamberlain shook his head. "No, I'm afraid they are former citizens, however we believe the Vuldrok or some Alien menace has corrupted them, and admittedly, have been encouraged by the Duke's brutal acts." "What Gods do they follow?" Ragnar asked with interest. All eyes turned to him, but the Chamberlain didn't hesitate to answer his questions. "Yours." He said. "The Anunnaki, and various others. It seems the only God they hate is the Pancreator. Naturally, you realize why they must be purged." [@Penny]