"Personally? I'm expecting all sorts of twisted things. Torture and interrogation chambers, breeding grounds, all sorts. They sure as hell didn't hesitate to kill us on sight when they showed up. Kinda tosses out the "visitors will be friendly" theory right out the window. But if we're lucky, maybe some new tech couldn't hurt, give us an edge." Marcus stated as he continued smoking his cigar and looking at some files. Seemed to be that Eli was hard at work deciphering the alien call while Max was being frightful, again. He didn't seem to catch a break, even after the compliments, and continued horrifying himself. "Whatever we'll find, I'll protect you. I won't let them aliens take my squad." That was when the terrain got bumpy, the vehicle must be getting closer to the destination. When the message came through on the radio mentioning that they're close, Marcus grabbed his radio. "Understood. Keep us as far but as close as you can, and maintain radio silence until you need us. Marcus out."