[color=00a99d][b][right]Ryloth 6 ATC 8, Week 7 Day 5: Morning[/right][/b][/color] Adjusting himself on the bed, Dominik slowly began to stir as the minutes passed by. He felt Cora’s warmth nearby, both due to being in close proximity to her, and in her aura through the Force. The older Jedi slowly sat up, one hand holding his body up as the other rubbed his eyes. Glancing around the small room, he noted Cora sleeping next to him, and Lo resting, seemingly comfortable, on some blankets not far from the bed. The older man stood from the bed and grabbed a spare folded set of robes from the small crude stone table nearby. Soon he had disappeared from the room, leaving the two to wake when they needed. Cora jerked awake startled by the lack of the rhythm of the sea. Her eyes snapped open and she pushed up shaking the exhaustion from her. Within moments she relived the last two weeks and she pushed to her feet. Softly padding over to her bag she pulled out her normal attire, her saber and a charcoal cloak. Tucking her hair behind her ears she looked over the Bothan girl but did not touch her. She was afraid that if she did the girl would wake up and she looked peaceful. Besides the girl needed the rest from the circles she had noticed that, while not as prominent as last night, were still there. Peeling off her shirt Cora pulled on her white dress and shimmered out of the rest of her clothes under the dress. Tossing the cloak on she carefully clipped on her lightsaber. She strode out of the hut and barely stopped herself from snarling for Dominik. That man could try the patience of a Grandmaster. He was one of the worst patients she'd ever had. Coming back from preparing for the day, Dominik held his old pair of robes draped over one arm, his other hand running over the freshly shaven bread on his chin. He spotted Cora outside of the hut and very briefly considered turning away. Taking in a deep breath, he continued forward. Unable to hide the slight limp on his right side, he walked slowly in an attempt to mask it as much as possible. “How is Lo, Cora?” he asked, his first thoughts always on the well-being of his tired Padawan. Lips thinning Cora's silver eyes snapped to his right side then back to his eyes.[color=00CED1] "She needs more rest as do you."[/color] Cora's tone was firm but unfailingly polite. Her diction was crisp and her words kept short. She was upset and her exhaustion still lingered.[color=00CED1] "Whom do I see to request information on the status of the situation from Dominik? Also am I to tie you to the bed like any other recalcitrant patient?"[/color] She used his full first name. Which he knew her well enough to know she was vexed. Dominik caught the gaze she shot at him, he couldn’t help the shiver down his spine. Peeved healers were never a pleasant sort. “I can fill you in on most of it. Lo knows our healing situation better than anyone else. There’s also Sar, he’s in charge of his people.” Dominik explained, walking over to the open doorway of the hut and peeking inside. Seeing Lo still sleeping soundly, he placed the old robes just inside the doorway, draped over a crude table, before pulling back out from the doorway and looking to Cora. “There’s much to be done Cora.” Dominik began, speaking almost sternly as an attempt to fight her attitude at his restlessness. “Lo has been working far too hard for a Padawan, Cora. She needs to rest, and I have my own duties to tend to.” Nodding she pointed at the hut.[color=00CED1] "Correct. You do. She does and now I do. Your duties now include resting as do hers. I will not have you waste my talents by pulling your hip out of joint and having to wait in pain while Lo or I finish with someone else. Nor will I have her or myself distracted by your pain down the bond that we make a fatal mistake. You would crush her. At her age young girls are sensitive to these things. I shall also point out that you, yes [i]you[/i] are the reason she has not healed more here. If you would not push yourself she would be better."[/color] Her tone was firm and no nonsense and her posture loose. She knew her scant observations were hitting their mark as she watched his reaction. She'd come into her own in the ten years she'd been separated from the Order and surprisingly a better Jedi for it. She knew she was a force to be reckoned with since she'd helped anyone who sought her out on Manaan. She'd healed normal people and Force Users alike. Jedi, Sith and in between. She knew how to cut to the heart of the matter and give the cold hard truth. Dominik found himself silent as Cora spoke the truth. Everything he had been holding in his heart was basically handed to him and made vocal. Nothing she said was out of place, it was as if she had been here this entire time. Watching, listening, learning. It was sad, Dominik thought, that it was easily noticeable the issues he and Lo were having by someone who had just arrived. It was the hard truth, and Dominik hadn’t quite expected it all to be said so bare boned and open. Nothing was hidden. The older Jedi took in a deep breath as his mind rolled her words around in his head. He could feel her worry; about him, about their whole situation. The Ryloth relief mission had turned into something far darker and far more serious than before. It had burned holes in he and Lo’s bond in ways Dominik wasn’t sure he could fix quickly. He sighed deeply and stood in silence. Lately he had felt less like a master and more like an apprentice. He felt as if he was failing in his duties to Lo. He took in a sharp breath as he moved from the doorway, glancing up as a few Twi’lek emerged from one of the huts nearby. “Your words speak the truth, Cora. I will not ignore them, but I must meet with Sar this morning.” He said quietly, smiling weakly at the younger Jedi before he moved past her in the direction of the healing tents and ration tables. Lo's head nuzzled deeper into the assortment of thick blankets as she twisted about. Her body stretched out, moving the blanket, as she curled back into her ball. A slight burn etched into her muscles. Her body wanted to continue sleeping, but her mind knew better. She had to get up. Sighing a bit, she pushed herself upright. Her hand reached back to scratch a budding itch near her ear. She then rubbed the grit from her vision before giving a loud, lengthy yawn. Her body tilted then plopped on her ass. She took in her surroundings before she frowned. This wasn't the medical tents. Walking into the hut Cora sighed. She looked over at the slightly confused Bothan girl, Lo.[color=00CED1] "Good morning Lo. I was hoping you would sleep longer but I suppose not. My name is Cora. Cora Alcyon. How are you feeling?"[/color] Cora sat down on the bed and patted it next to her as an invitation for Lo and to continue the conversation. Lo leaned back. Confusion increased as she looked at the Jedi, unsure where they met before. Her fur fluffed a bit at the lack of memories. She didn't even recall making it to her Master's hut before she collapsed. Her hand pushed away her bangs from her eyes as she began to move upright. Lo's sluggish movements gaining some strength with the effort. "I need to get dressed and check on the one hurt in the cave-in yesterday and prepare Master Rothul's pain killer." She started to look around for her spare robes she kept alongside Dominik's. Cora smiled indulgently.[color=00CED1] “That is not an answer.”[/color] She was warm but had that no nonsense tone that was long practiced to getting what she wanted from a recalcitrant patient. Lo internally groaned. She hated that tone and knew it well enough to cooperate. Her hand paused inches from her outer robe as she turned to Cora, facing the older Jedi. A small, soft sigh escaped her muzzle. "I'm feeling well rested, but sore from the floor." Her tone held sincerity and minimal information. Cora nodded, still smiling.[color=00CED1] “Well done Padawan. A very political answer. Vague but truthful. Now you shall not like this next part.”[/color] Cora paused for a moment.[color=00CED1] “I am very impressed with what you have done for the past few months. Most especially when Dominik was incapacitated. That being said you need a break. You need a few days to relax and regain your strength. As of right now you are not the only one here that can heal. However I do need something from you while you rest. I need you to make sure your Master does so as well.”[/color] Lo braced herself then bit her lip hard, a habit developed through stress. "One healer is not enough, even with some twi'lek assisting you. Add on the responsibility to figure out how to substitute the lack of Kolto, sterilization, and more with natural options. Then include more critical injured patients..." She took a breath then collected her rushing thoughts. "It isn't a [i]one[/i] person job. As for making my master rest... what do you think I've been trying to do? Best I got was being able to give him painkillers for my own selfish reasons." Mischief sparked from Cora’s eyes as she grinned.[color=00CED1] “One Jedi Healer is more than enough to take over for a span of two to three days while you both recuperate. You have stocked up on the local useful flora, located a water source, cleared a useful camp, isolated the injured versus the sick.”[/color] She ticked off her fingers with each statement. Lo gritted her teeth as she felt her fur press against her skin. A sense of depression washed over her as she listened to the praise she didn’t deserve. As well as it looked on the outside, most of the time she had been flying on the seat of her trousers. No plan or skill involved at all. [color=00CED1] “So now that we understand each other I expect that you will find it interesting to know that I know just how you feel. During my trials to become a Knight I was under just as much and sometimes more stress than you are at present. So I know how much you need to rest. Besides, Dominik should be easier to handle after our little talk. You need some guidance in the healing arts since you have shown such a talent for it. I aim to make that happen. I will need your help once you have recovered to care for the wounded or sick and I will need your knowledge of where the flora are located and where you have picked them from. Furthermore Dominik has failed to teach you manners and that is his fault not yours. He’s about to have more time on his hands to continue your training. I intend to lighten both of your burdens. I may have come running for you but I intend to stay for [i]both[/i] of you.”[/color] “Training…” A small, bitter laugh escaped Lo’s lips. “I think the time for that has passed a long time ago. I’m already behind for a padawan my age by two months and I keep falling farther and farther. First being captured by the slavers, assisting the Twi’lek, then mortar attack. Now new Jedi arrive. It’s like the force is telling me that I shouldn’t be a Jedi now.” Cora stood and walked over to the clothes and handed the girl the extra set.[color=00CED1] “It will go much easier if I have your friendship and agreement Lo. Should not be a Jedi? Heavens no my dear. When you have a calling you have a calling. What makes you think you are two months behind?”[/color] “Master Rothul sent for me, but it took him two months before he came for me. Two long months. This is my first actual time with him since I’ve been a padawan.” Lo bluntly stated. Blinking Cora looked at the girl.[color=00CED1] “Pardon?”[/color] She was in shock.[color=00CED1] “Did he explain why? No wait, do not answer that. I know he did not. He would not. Surely he would have a specific reason that he would have been unable to tell you or even, perhaps he did not recognise how you felt? That is… did he ever ask you what the matter is Lo?”[/color] "He did, but… This isn’t the first thing he didn’t go into depth over. I know he's keeping things from me, and they are painful, so I stopped asking about them. I don't want to cause him more pain." Lo took the clothes still held out to her as she turned to get dressed. Tucking her hair behind her ears Cora turned her back to give the girl some privacy. She pulled a face as she realized that she was going to get to the bottom of this so that she could fix it. Her face was full of concern, which she honestly felt, but none of the shock or slowly building frustration and anger at Dominik. Oh she realized that there were good reasons. Good ones too.[color=00CED1] “Did not go into depth over? Painful secrets? I noticed that you did not state your answer. We shall get back to that. Let me ask you Lo, do you trust your Master?”[/color] Lo’s arms paused midway putting her tunic on. The question caught her off guard and caused her to look back over her shoulder. A long awkward silence stretched between them. Giving a heavy thought to the question and its reason, she knew the truth. Yet saying it proved harder than she wanted it to be. “That question is too vague. I trust my master to be a Jedi, to trust the force, and do his best. I trust him not to purposely harm me.” Lo stated, picking the answers she gave based on her understanding of the question. [color=00CED1] “Goodness that is a long list. So you do trust your Master then?”[/color] “If you’re looking for a specific answer, you need to be more specific. You left the question for me to guess about what you mean and I can understand it in various ways. However, I’ll take it as you mean with my life and training. That’s a… yes.” Lo commented as she began to pull down her tunic over her head, careful to avoid catching her muzzle on it. Cora tilted her head in acknowledgement.[color=00CED1] “You will think differently within a couple of months. I appreciate your honesty Lo. Please know that Dominik cares very deeply for you or I would not have flown from Manaan at his, what I thought might be dying, request so that you would not be alone. You hesitate my dear but in time you shall not. All I want you to do for the next three days is eat, rest and ask Dominik every question you can think of that comes out of your head. Can you do that?”[/color] Cora smiled conspiratorially. “Questions are never the issue, it’s getting answers and understanding that is.” Lo said as she began to pull her hair back and tie it against her head. Her padawan braid hung down over the side of her eye. She turned about then tapped the older Jedi on the shoulder, indicating she was done. Turning around Cora looked down at the girl.[color=00CED1] “If you do not receive answers I will want to know. Now if it is a personal matter you are not getting answers to, just know it is not you. If you keep with it eventually he opens up like an Alderaan rose.”[/color] She stroked Lo’s shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.[color=00CED1] “Now on to break our fast and then I want you both relaxing. You for three days and Dominik for five.”[/color] “I don’t know if I have the strength for silence anymore.” Lo admitted, her ears perked up for the morning meal. She instinctively leaned into the touch to absorb the security and comfort it provided. “A meal sounds good though.” Turning Cora walked over to the rations table with Lo. Looking for Dominik Cora glanced at the rations. She could not partake of these when she had not been accounted for. Cora had some rations in her bag as some more on the ship. Looking around she noticed that even though they were underground shafts of sunlight slanted in. The beams were only halfway down the wall. They were thin but still there. Ventilation was assured as well as fresh water if it rained. Her gaze fell on Dominik, who was sitting by the rocks meditating. She had to make sure that he was not going to stress himself out. Or Lo for that matter. They both needed a break and Cora was going to be that for them. She turned toward Lo and thought better of asking her to introduce her to the leader. Catching sight of a male Twi’lek that was salmon colored with darker bands along his lekku. His profile showed a strong straight nose and a rugged jawline. She smiled as she caught his eye. She could be charming if she wanted. Walking up Cora tipped her head up at the Twi’lek and grinned charmingly.[color=00CED1] “Hello my name is Cora. Cora Alcyon. I am a friend of Dominik and Lo and a Jedi Healer. I hate to bother you but can you point me in the direction of Sar, please?”[/color] Lo tilted her head. She noticed the smile and shift in behavior, the sweetness oozing out almost. "You've found him." Sar said, bowing politely to Cora as she introduced herself. He finished the last remaining but of his rations before placing the crude bowl to the side. "What can I do for you Cora?" He asked gently, moving slightly to the side as a couple Twi'lek children ran past them. Cora blinked at Sar for just a moment. She smiled at the kids that ran past.[color=00CED1] “I did not expect someone so young to be the leader here. How did that happen, if you do not mind me asking?”[/color] Cora was genuinely interested and was hoping for something that wasn’t tragic in the least.