[b]"Tilly, are you happy to go with the Major?"[/b] George Farr was a rather modern man. He refused to order the women in his family from pillar to post, and preferred to ask for their opinion before making a decision. That said, he cluld still be rather strict when he wanted to be. Although Anna would complain that he wasn't quite strict enough. [b]"Yes, of course."[/b] Matilda nodded and stood, with Alice standing at her shoulder for support of she need it, but she actually felt comfortable enough to walk by herself, albeit slowly. Never one to take life too seriously, she turned to the Major. Truth be told, she found him rather handsome. [b]"You aren't in a hurry, are you?" [/B] The blonde let a small, yet quite delightful smirk settle itself upon her features. [b]"But, I feel like I should warn you - Friday evenings aren't normally so exciting in the Village." It was a warm Summer's evening, and the light was dusky as they reached the carriage. The young woman stopped to build up the clurage to climb in. But in the meantime, she turned to look at the Major. [B]"Are you sure that you don't mind leaving so early? I don't want to inconvenience you."[/b]