With the Warforged’s introduction, Flick beamed up at the metallic being. Something about the big guy just tickled him. But Nemorad didn’t keep Flick’s attention for long, being a Warforged of few words. Soon enough the others at their table were discussing their theories and plans amidst exchanging names. The genasi was more than happy to lean back in his chair and listen to what they all had to say, though it was all things he heard before for the most part. When you got hired to take wannabe detectives into the woods, you heard a lot of theories. Some Flick thought were plausible, some he thought were outright stupid and crazy - but everything brought up by the people immediately around him seemed well informed. He supposed that being brought together in the particular way they were, their benefactor would have made sure there was no one off their rocker. Then again… He glanced over to the bar area where the hot head and kobold chef were. ...yeah, maybe a few of them were a little unhinged. Maybe just stressed, though. Flicker committed all of their names to memory. He couldn’t really say it was [i]nice[/i] to meet them all, but it was interesting for sure. He even laughed at the human girl - Faint’s - joke. “Hey, a sense of humor. Gonna need that in this town,” he chuckled. Eventually his gaze settled on the yet unnamed man and his… skeletal friend. Now, this man’s proposal was intriguing. That wasn’t to say that Flick liked the idea of raising a zombie or ghost and asking it a bunch of questions - in fact it made his skin crawl just to think of it - but he was right. Surely some of the deceased had seen something. “I think Goliath-Guy is on to somethin’,” Flick said hesitantly, “but I don’t particularly wanna be around for that interrogation.” He turned to Faint. “I don’t suggest splittin’ up if one group is heading out to trail. More than the wildlife, there’re plenty of [i]im-be-ciles[/i] runnin’ around tryin’ to claim the reward for solvin’ this mess. [i]Im-be-ciles[/i] that don’t play nice.” The genasi shrugged one shoulder, finishing off his drink. “Splittin’ up in town shouldn’t be a problem though.”